Chapter 1 - Offer

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   "Hey I need refills for table 4, 2 Jack and Coke doubles and 1 Vodka Cranberry." I rush out putting my hands on the bar.

"You got it. It's crazy in here, where did everyone come from?" Axelle, the bartender says as she starts my drink order.

"No clue, maybe they're from the concert hall down the road, maybe wanted to keep the party going." I say glancing around.

"Alright girl here you go." She sets the drinks down in front of me then rushes over to the other side of the bar.

I make my way over to the table and plaster on the nicest, inviting smile I have. "Alright boys sorry to keep you waiting, here are those drinks for you!" I say cheerfully.

"About damn time missy, you need to pick up the pace." The middle aged scruffy man grumbles as he takes a big swig.

"Brother enough, sorry about that he's just had too much to drink. Thank you!" The other man says kindly.

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Oh it's not a problem honey!" Leaving to go check on the other tables, I feel my eye twitch in irritation.

For someone who hates men, why would I work in a strip club?

The rest of the night passes in a blur, my face starting to go sore from all of the smiling I've been doing tonight and my social battery has completely drained to zero.

At 2:30 am, the club is ready to be closed down early for the night, since the customers were out around 2 we were able to get this place cleaned up fairly quickly. I make my way to the back for the locker rooms to change out of my 'uniform' when the club manager Malik stops me.

"Ah y/n! My favorite server. How was your night my dear?" Malik says with a warm smile and inviting tone.

"It wasn't bad, just busy. Nothing I couldn't handle!"

"Yes of course, my favorite girl can handle anything." He says with a wink. "Anyways, y/n, I wanted to talk to you about maybe taking on another role here?"

"Hm, like what?" I ask.

"Well, as you know we're short on dancers ever since Jasmine's been on medical leave and Roxy quitting, so I was curious to know if you'd want to pick up some days on the stage?"

I blink a few times trying to process what he just said. Me, a dancer?

"You uh, couldn't ask anyone else?" I say with an awkward laugh.

"Oh please," he brings me in for a side hug, engulfing me with his expensive cologne. "I've seen you dance
y/n, you have incredible talent. I mean, I'm incredibly gay but you even give me butterflies." He states.

"Yeah but, dancing on my own or in front of friends is one thing, but in front of those men? I don't know if I'm the right one for the job..."

"Well here, go home and think about it and let me know tomorrow what you come up with, I won't push you to do something you're uncomfortable doing." He says releasing me. "But, if you want to try it out we'd throw in a little extra cash on your first shift!"

"I'll uh, I'll think about it!" I respond with a small smile.

"Of course dear, I'll hear from you tomorrow. Good job tonight!" He says with a wave before walking to talk to another server.

Making it to the locker rooms I peel off my uniform, consisting of a black mesh sparkly cropped long sleeve top and black booty shorts with fishnet. Originally I was supposed to wear some sort of high heels, but I just started showing up in black combat boots that had a slight heel on them to avoid breaking my damn ankles.

Throwing on my hoodie and sweatpants, Axelle rushes over throwing her arms around me. "Awe that was such a long night, but we make such a good team!"

"Yeah, I don't know if I could do this job without you." I tiredly say hugging her back. "Oh, I have some news."

"I do too, you go first!"

"Well, Malik wants me to dance a few nights out of the week since we're kinda short on girls."

"Oh my god no way? Y/n you are so good, we'd get even more customers in!" She says excitedly.

"I don't know we'll see, I have to let him know by tomorrow. Anyway, what's you're news?"

"We're having a new bartender come work with us, finally I'll get some help to lighten the damn load." She says as she pulls her blonde hair in a bun. "It's been close to 3 months I've been running that bar by myself so I'm definitely excited."

"Any idea who it is?" I ask as we make our way to the door.

"Nope, just some guy close to our age I guess. I'll be able to see tomorrow night so I'll text you, hopefully he's a cutie!" She throws in a wink.

"You are such a flirt, won't be long until you get your claws in him. I'll see you later Axe." I tease stifling a yawn.

"Get home safe girly!" She says throwing a wave back.

The drive home has to be my favorite part of my job. I get to cruise through the city with almost no one else on the roads, and the city at night looks amazing giving you the best vibes even if it was a hard day.

Getting to my apartment on the other side of town I drag myself inside and into the elevator, taking me to the top floor. My apartment isn't grand by any means, but being able to have a top balcony overlooking the city makes it worth living here.

I get to my door and annoyingly fumble in my tote bag looking for my keys, the dark hallway making it harder to see anything. Why the hell do they turn the light down so dark?

I feel like it's just to spite me.

The elevator chimed and I hear the door open right when I find my keys, unlocking the door as I look and see a man walk past me and approach the apartment two doors down from mine.

That's weird, I've never seen him before.

He unlocked his door then slowly looked up at me, causing me to throw myself in and slam the door while heat crawled up my face in embarrassment. He caught me staring at him like a creep, what the hell is my deal?

Throwing my bag to the side, I drag myself to my bed and huddle under the mountain of blankets when my mind goes to the mysterious man I was gawking over in the hall.

I've definitely never seen him before, the tattoo across his nose and his tired eyes are something you'd never forget.


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