Part 17 - New Lows

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    It's been 5 days since I've been taken, which started off with me desperately trying to find any escape options I had while being on a short leash, having little too no freedom here despite what Leo said about me 'making myself at home' I've only been able to go from my room to the dining room, and that's with a guard accompanying me at all times. Occasionally I'd see other members pass by, but never for long as they're always seeming to be in a hurry. Oddly enough this place is pretty quiet for a mansion home to a gang.

The fire I had when I came here is dwindling down, i feel like I'm started to lose hope I'd be getting out of here alive, and if I do I know who will be taking my place.

And Leo? I haven't seen him once. He's locked me in this house and apparently has been out since.

I've thought about Choso but honestly I've tried not to too much, partially because I'm angry with him, blaming him for even coming around me know what baggage he had but also angry with myself for allowing myself to get tied up with him, know he could be dangerous.

But I've also missed him like crazy, and thinking too much of how possessive he is, the feeling of his skin against mine or how he'd stare at me from across the bar sends a wave of grief knowing the possibility of us actually being together is slim to none.

Leo is a sick and twisted man, to the fucking fullest.

My sixth day here and so far I'm sitting on the balcony, overlooking the massive front yard of this mansion surrounded by a thick wooded forest, with a book in my hands that was a part of a small library that luckily came with the room, even thought they were mostly thrillers or political books that made me want to... never mind, they were at least keeping me somewhat sane.

"Y/n, I'm coming it." I hear my guards voice from the other side of the door as he opens it and walks in, straight to me.


"Leo requested you to accompany him tonight." He says curtly, avoided of any emotion.

"Where?" I ask sitting up in my chair.

"You don't ask questions, you just do as you're told. In the bathroom is everything you need to get ready, you have an hour." He says turning on his heel and walking out.

"My god he's such a dick." I say under my breath. Getting up I also walk out to the main bathroom that's 2 doors down from my room. Walking in I see a spread of makeup and hair products as well as three large blue clothing boxes sitting all on the massive counter top.

Looking through it all, I wonder just how he got my shade right and how he seemed to know what to get in general... he must have women working for him too. Opening the first box I feel my breath catch in my throat as I toss it aside and tear open the other two boxes with my suspicious confirmed.

A pair of sparkly stilettos, a red dance lingerie set, a reveling red dress and a black long coat that goes to my knees.

A perfect stripper outfit.

Fuming I march out of the bathroom and see the guard standing at the staircase, one hand clasp over the other.

"I'm not wearing that shit," I spit out to him. "Tell Leo to get fucked because I'm NOT going to be his little entertainment for tonight."

The brown haired guard whose name is unknown and dark, void eyes that stare back at me pulls out his gun. "The boss says that if you're not cooperative that I'm to... persuade you," he says as he points it at my head, making my mouth run dry. "So, your choice."

Fear and unrivaled anger bubble in me until I reluctantly turn and head back to the bathroom. I begin to fix myself up in the best way possible, to make myself look the part of Vixen when a loose tear strays down my cheek not from sadness, but from fury.

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