Chapter 4 - A total jerk

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"Missy, are you sure about that?"

Reaching in my bag for my pepper spray, I feel a large hand on my back.

"Is there a problem here, gentlemen." Choso says emotionless with dead eyes.

The men stop then take a few steps back, getting back into the van. "No man, just being helpful is all!" The scruffy driver stammers. What the hell is wrong with them all of a sudden?

They take off onto the main road leaving me standing there dumbfounded with what just happened.

"You need to be more careful, pay attention to your surroundings." He says tightly. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home."

"Oh thank you but it's okay, I can change it too my spare!" I say nervously.

He looks at me and suddenly I get why those guys left in such a hurry. He may be hot as hell, but man does he look intense.

"I wasn't asking." He says, turning around and walking to his car with his hands in his pockets. I walk quickly to where he's at and getting into the black car, putting my duffel bag at my feet.

"Thanks for this..." I say quietly, feeling like a burden suddenly.

"It's no problem."

He drives through the city in silence as I let my mind wonder, spacing out the window at the passing buildings and neon lights when he pulls into my apartment complex.

"How did you know I lived here?"

"We did see each other in the hallway the other night." He says coolly.

"Oh. Yeah of course, my bad."

The elevator, just like the drive and walk in was equally as quiet, in a pressing way. I chewed on my lip and kept my eyes trained on the ground the whole way up trying to make myself smaller in anyway possible.

As soon as the doors open I quickly walk to my door and jamming the key in. "Thanks for the ride, can I pay you back?" I ask.

"You can pay me back by using your head more often." He says stepping in his apartment and shutting the door.

Going into my own apartment, I feel anger swell in me as I slam the door in frustration. Who the hell does he think he is? Saving me from strange men and giving me rides home, only to turn around and act like a dick?

It takes everything in me to not march over there and giving him a piece of my mind, instead the shower and my bed desperately calling my name.

The clock reading 3am I pull myself under the covers and into my heavenly bed with the vow to never be around that man unless it's for work.


  "You're telling me someone had my car towed??"

"Yes ma'am, he had it taken to a nearby shop to have the tire fixed, it's ready to be picked up now." The female assistant said over the phone.

I had gotten a call right when I woke up from a shop in the city saying that my car was towed there earlier this morning, much to my surprise.

"Well how much do I owe?"

"Nothing, the man took care of it. You got a real good coworker miss." She states.

My eye twitches in frustration. "Yeah, for sure."

Getting of the phone I throw on leggings and a tee, grabbing my wallet I whip my door open and walk to his apartment, banging on the door a few times just to be extra annoying.

I hate being in debt to people.

He opens the door wearing nothing but black sweatpants and his hair in a messy bun with stray locks framing his face.

It takes everything and I mean everything to not look down at his chest, I keep my eyes trained on his now very annoyed face.

"Any reason you're banging on my door this early, y/n?"

"Early...? Anyways, yes there is." I state as I cross my arms.

Leaning a tattooed arm on the door he sighs. "Go on then."

"Did you have my car towed and fixed for me?"

"Yeah, so what." He says bored.

"So what? I didn't ask you to, I can take care of myself."

"Oh really?" He leans in slightly. "Would you've been able to take care of yourself last night then?"

"Yes! I don't need your help with anything. Here, this should cover it." I say pulling out $200, holding out to him.

He continues to stare at me with his bored expression. "No."

So he wants to play it this way then. "No? Well in that case..."

Stepping close to him I angrily shove the money in the side pocket of his sweatpants, keeping my eyes on him while his burn into me with a look I can't quite make out. The scent of citrus and cinnamon makes my skin heat up, making me want to melt into his body.

I force myself to step back and clear my head. "Thanks anyway."

Turning back I walk quickly to my door and slam it behind me, feeling the breath I've been holding in release and butterflies going crazy in my stomach. 

A minute later I reach for my phone and call Nobara, praying she'd answer.

"Hey y/n, what's up!" She answers cheerfully over the phone.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could ask for your a tiny favor?"


15 minutes later Nobara and her girlfriend pull into my parking lot in her yellow expensive sports-car, wouldn't expect anything less from her.

"Y/n!! I'm so happy I can finally introduce you to my girlfriend!" She exclaims as I slide in the back seat.

"Maki this is y/n, y/n this is Maki!"

"It's nice to finally meet you, Nobara talks about you all the time." Maki chuckles.

"Oh really? She's always blushing over you at work and makes sure everyone knows it!" I say teasingly earning a laugh from Maki.

"Alright you two just be happy I even like you because I don't like anyone." Nobara mumbles seeing her cheeks get red.

The car ride was only 10 minutes, but I was able to tell them everything dealing with Choso and how strange he was acting.

"Doesn't it sound like he doesn't like me?" I exclaim, sitting forward in the middle seat so I could be closer to them.

"It does... but then why'd he go through all of the trouble with your car?" Maki contemplates.

"Maybe he just doesn't know how to act around you. He's pretty chill with the costumers and the other workers, kinda reserved but still nice." Nobara ponders as we sit in the shop parking lot.

I throw my hands up and lean back. "Ah what the hell. Men are so confusing I swear."

"Well tonight at work, I'll keep an eye out on him. Maybe he likes you?" Nobara say's innocently.

"Absolutely not. Anyways, thanks for taking me to my car!"

"For sure, let's all get together soon!"

Saying my goodbyes I get my keys from the secretary and then finally to the front seat of my car, pondering what Nobara said.

Him like me? There's no way.


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