Fog vs. Smog

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Fog is made of water droplets and clean air.

Smog is made of mystery particles that choke your babies!

Fog is funnier at parties and if you do something stupid, his memory will always be foggy.

Smog was talking trash about you from the cheap seats after you missed that easy layup in that middle school basketball game. (“I could of made that if I was a solid being. Nice layup, person!)

Smog is heavier than Fog and a little insecure as a result.

Fog would help you change a blown-out tire, if Fog could.

An evil scientist in a white lab invented Smog, just to piss you off!

A black lab invented Fog in a dream it had once. 

Fog hides werewolves (cool!) / Smog hides a-holes (not-cool!)

Smog impersonates Fog all the time but Fog is always like, “I don’t know that guy.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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