Fun with Pronouns

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I start every line with I

Cuz I am less than we

But how can that be?

Well let’s just wait; let’s see

There’s I and you, there’s me

And he and she, and Old English thee!

Thee old English thee?

But he swings in thee tree

How can that be?

Well let’s just wait; let’s see

He sets the old ones free

They’ve gotten away from me

And from I and he—from she

Simply, the thee have escaped

All the present day we

So wherever, whoever can the thee be

Lo—! there the thee be; there’s thou

And thee and mine and thine

Each swooping vine-to-vine

They’ll tire in thine good time

And we—we’ll be simply sublime

For I am the center of me

And you—! you’re kicked out of we

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