Booger Blobs

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You know we’re all boogers right?

We rocketed here from Pluto long ago

A distant icy booger with mucus moons

We don’t have names just Booger 1

Booger 2, Booger 3…  Booger 4 says, “Gimmie

Some more.”  Booger 5, “We stay’n alive!”

Some boogers go in the trashcan

Some are stealthily smeared under desks

But a smart booger knows to stick close

To his buddies in a booger blob

The booger blob rolls down hills and picks

Up sticks and rocks and copies of Time Life

Smart folks don’t mess with booger blobs cause

They know they’ll get sucked into booger oblivion

And booger oblivion is a bad place to be

Some boogers want to strike it out on their own

Some feel it’s better to be in a blob.

But, by the by, blobs get bloated if by standing

Boogers keep becoming bowled over against their

Better judgement.  And this is unfortunate.

Bloated blobs rage out of control

Until someone calls the booger patrol

When the booger patrol rolls in with that squad car

Rest assured that booger blob don’t get far

Out pops a bakers dozen battalion of bloody boogers

Topped with constable hats

Their left hands ever wielding their brutal booger bats

They beat that bloated blob to death

With booger bats and attack it with

Two week starved trained booger rats

But even with booger bats and the starving trained booger rats

They must still bale out what they can’t bludgeon or barf up to the dogs and the cats

And we can all go home and take our well-deserved naps

And read newspapers in our stalls while we take booger craps

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