The Anti-Fart

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The Anti-fart.  The Anti-Fart.

I made him in my garage

Out of Dennis Miller Jokes

An Oprah DVD

And a Justin Beiber collage.

The farts didn’t come around so much

Once they knew the Anti-Fart was around

They gawked at sexy farts in fart-boy

While chill’en in Fart-Town

But one fart in Fart-Town

Was braver than the rest

His putrid stench granted the confidence

To put the feared Anti-Fart to the test  

He barged into my living room like he owned the fuck’n      place

He said, ‘Smelly’s here just as you feared

 pull that Taco from your face!’

I said, ‘hold up, there’s something you outta know’

Smelly said, ‘I already know about the Anti-Fart

But I’m still run’n this here show’

He howled, ‘open your nostrils

Cause I came to stink and leave

You over there. You’re gonna gasp for air.

Now watch me roll up my fart sleeve’

The Anti-Fart appeared

Did a bunch of worthless Karate posses

He took a swing and Smelly ducked

Two people left with shirts over noses

After a while, it was only inevitable

That the Anti-Fart would win

Knowing he had the support of

Millions of uptight women

Smelly gasped and meekly sputtered,

“But I just wanted . . . to smell.”

The Anti-Fart replied coldly,

“Enjoy your one-way ticket to fart hell!” 

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