chapter 3

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Within a week Sakura was enrolled in one of the local schools of the district.

Life went on smoothly

She even started to call jiraiya papa. It always brought a huge smile on the mans face. And he was her father after all!

Her morning started with school and ended with training.

She was getting her strength back. Sure slowly but surely. She always thinks about her surroundings now.

She wonders if there are more fallen Shinobi who are hare, in this world with them

At school she always got good grades. It was normal for her as she was always a good student. She would make and play with her new friends

At home she would train under jiraiya when he was not at work. She tires her hardest to help as much as her little body allows her to do the household chores

Today as she was having breakfast

"Papa, do you think I can learn the rasengaan?"

Jiraiya choked on his food, looking at her with wide eyes and a open mouth

He sighed

"Sakura Hime, the rasengaan is not an easy jutsu to learn you know?"

"Hai papa, I have tons of time in my hands, I can give this jutsu a little more. I am not saying it's easy or anything, I just want to give it a try."

She determinanly told him

He sighed again

"The Rasengan's various attributes have earned it recognition as the pinnacle of shape transformation. Naruto using a water balloon for the first step. The Rasengan requires a great deal of chakra control to perform, making it incredibly difficult to learn. So please be careful. Even if you can Master it, you can't use them all the time."

Sakura nodded her head

She will try her best to learn it

She was already good at thigh jutsu but she also wants to be good at ninjutsu

Yes, she did learn Earth, Water, Yin and Yang Release. Even fire release. But she did not muster them

Training with jiraiya improved her a lot. She, now, could use a few suithon jutsus and even fire release

It's been almost a year since she's been with jiraiya

Now she was sitting in the classroom as the teacher said

"We have a new transfer student today. Please give him a warm welcome, kids."

As the new boy walked in Sakura felt like her soul left her body, she stopped breathing for a moment

She knows who he is

She recognized him, She would recognize those pearl coloured eyes anywhere

The Byakugan

As his Pearly white eyes met with her green emerald coloured ones, they waiden

He also recognized her

She felt tears leaking from her eyes as the teacher told him to introduce himself

"I am Tanaka Neji. Thank you so much for having me"

He said this while still looking at her eyes

As the class break came

She was going to the playground when a small hand caches her wrist

"What are you doing, shannaro?"

She looked back and froze

"As I thought" The male said, with q gentle smile present on his face "it's been a while, Sakura."

She felt the tears and sweat tickle down her face. It was him. The one that made her feel so useless as a medic in the battlefield with his death

"How are you Sakura? Or should I ask, How did you die?"

He asked while looking straight into her emerald colored eyes

Her body was shaking, fist clenched, she wants to curse him out for doing what he did in the war. For killing himself.

As she brought her fist close to his face, he dodged it

"You damn, Hyuga!"

She cried out while he gave her a soft smile while holding her hands on his

"Maybe it's fate we met again, Sakura? Or do you think it was destiny?"

As more tears fell from her eyes


He started

What was he supposed to say? How could apologize when he left her and all of his friends in a war.

"I am sorry."

Was all he could say but he didn't expect the punch that came after it.

He winches, even in this little body of hers, she is still the Godaime hokage's pupil and best student

He looked at the girl beside him, her long pink hair in two pigtails, just like her hokage and mentor

"Did we win?"

He asked, as she looked at him with a teary smile and nodded her head. He sighed in pure relief

His eyes shained As he said

"It's good to know I am not alone in this unknown world anymore."

She smiles and lets out a soft laugh

" we aren't alone. We'll never be alone."

Then it was quite for a few moments before she asked him


He hummed

"In this life do you have loving parents like you always wanted? Are you happy?"

Hearing her question he smiled and nodded his head

In this world he had everything he didn't have in his previous life. He had parents who loved him to death

In a world where he was free

But then it struck him

"Are you happy with your family now Sakura?"

She lets out a nervous laugh

"About that-

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