chapter 26

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Today was a peaceful day for sakura

The second years are on a mission.

She doesn't have infametory work or any classes. She doesn't even have homework. So now, here she is, talking and laughing with her teammates

"You know it was so cool how Geto-senpai saved me on that mission. He's so cool."

Haibara said with sparkling eyes

It was no surprise to sakura that Haibara looked up to Geto a lot. Haibara idolized Geto a lot and wanted to be like him

He almost talked about Geto how Konohamaru talked about Naruto.

And she can also tell, how Geto had a soft spot for Haibara. He is Geto's favorite first year. Even though Geto proclaimed many times that she is his favorite.

She had her reasons to believe he was lieing.

"Can you stop worshipping him, Yuu!? I am tired of you talking about him."

Nanami snapped

It's funny Nanami doesn't like anyone other than her and Haibara. No like, literally, he rarely likes anyone. And for surely he doesn't like any of the first years.

" Wahhhh! Sakura-chan, look kento is bulleing me!"

She sighed and shook her head

"Can you really blame him, Yuu-kun? You're talking about him for the last 40 minutes, you Baka! We get it, you like him. Now please shut up about him!"

Haibara pouted and whined

"Not you too sakura-chan!"

Then it looked like Haibara thought something before asking

"What do you think about Geto-senpai, sakura-chan?"

This question really puzzled sakura

What did she think about him

Now that she thinks about it, he almost reminds her of kakashi. With his how he always handles every situation. But his fake smile always reminds her of sai's fake smile.

She really didn't know how she felt about him.

"I don't think I know him well enough to have a strong opinion about him. but sometimes I don't like him. Especially the fact he tries to please everyone with a fake smile on his face..... I don't do that. So maybe it's just me."

She said with a shrug

Both of her teammates looked at each other.

Her phone rang suddenly, it was Neji

"Hey, what's up?"

Sakura asked when she picked up the call

"Hey, I am at Shizuoka. It's like an hour ride from the train. Can you meet up?"

"Sure. I don't have anything else to do today. I am free. But why are you there? Mission?"

"You can say that. My teammates or senpai... Whatever you wanna say... They went on a mission and didn't come back for the last two days. So came to check it out but found out some other sorcerer were already assigned to find them."

"Sweet. I am coming. We can stay there for a day and a night. I really need a break from all this stuff going on with my studies and missions and all. Book a hotel room. We can share."

"Sure. I'll be waiting for you at the station."

"Yep! See ya!"

As she hung up. She looked at her teammates

"Hey I'll be leaving now. I will text sensei. I'll be back tomorrow at evening."

They nodded and she said goodbye to everyone before leaving
Now she's at Shizuoka. Holding her overnight staying bag in her one hand and her purse on her other


She looked back and Neji was coming towards her

As soon as he got close to her she first flickered his forehead

"Oww! What was that for!?"

" For making me wait for 10 minutes."

Then she she threw her arms around his neck, giving him.a tight hug

" I missed you, you damn Hyuga!"

He chuckled, hugging her back

" Missed you too, Hime. Now lets go and put your stuff at the room. Then we can go and explore."

They went back to their motel and and left her bag and stuff before going out

They went to festival and tried so many types of food. They planned to go to see the mountains tomorrow morning. Now they were about to go watch a movie when suddenly a whole ass building fell of. It was reaking with cursed energy

"What the hell was that?"

Sakura said and Neji tched

"It was surely a jujutsu sorcerer."

She rolled her eyes

"Thank you for stating the obvious! I know that, dumbass! The question you should ask is why didn't they put on a Vail ."

"The only way to find out is to check it out. Now lets go."

She nodded her head and they went out to check out what was going on

But as they went to the now broken to dust building, they saw saw familiar faces

For sakura, there was Three, a boy white hair with black shades, other black hair tied up in a bun, and lastly a young girl with brown chocolate color hair

And for Neji, it was two girls. One with white hair and another with black

"Are they fucking serious right now?"

Sakura wispered under her breath

"I think it's better if we leave, Hime. If they saw us, I don't think we will be able to."

Sakura hummed but before they could move


Both Sakura and Neji sighed

"It's gonna be a long day "

She wispered under her breath

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