chapter 64

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The next day,

Sakura took a deep breath as she took her bag from the table

Today was her last meeting with higurama hiromi. Today she will seal the deal, making Yuji Itadori her legal son

She also decided to take Yuji with her because she wanted to show him the school she was planning to enroll him in

"Mama! I am ready"

She smiled when she heard her little one's voice

Yuji came rushing to her, fully dressed. His enthusiasm made her chuckle

After spending this week with Yuji, Sakura was already in love with him. His personality was bright and beaming like the Sun itself. It was pretty much impossible to be in a bad mood around him. He doesn't even need to try to make her smile, his presence has a natural happy aura. He can make everyone happy just by simply being there

Sakura had fallen in love so many times. First with Sasuke Uchiha in her past life, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru in her current life. She had fallen in love with her children Megumi, Tsumiki, Nanako and Mimiko, but never in her whole life had she ever fell in love like she did with Yuji Itadori

With Yuji, she could feel herself carefree. He is so grateful, even for the smallest things. It made her realize how Small things are important in life and should be cheerished

He was the perfect mixture between 3 amazing and most important people in her life

He was a perfect mixture of Naruto, Obito and Haibara

Now, she could die with a smile on her face, that is how important he is to her

"I can see baby. My cupcake looks so handsome. Kyaaa! I'm gonna be such a proud mama!"

Sakura said as she lifted him up, gently kissing and nuzzling her nose on his chubby baby cheeks. Making him giggle

"Let's go mama! I can't wait "

He said excitedly

Sakura nodded with a gentle smile before letting out a sigh

She grabbed her bags and file. before leaving the house, she instructed the house keepers on household chores and byed good bye to yuji's grandpa

Wasuke smiled with a light heart as he gave permission to Sakura to adopt his grandson. In this whole week, he was really happy to see her kindness and love towards Yuji. He couldn't be happier because Yuji was finally getting the childhood and affection he deserves.

As they went out, Wasuke sighed and smiled


Sakura drove to higurama hiromi's office, she had come here quite a few times in the last week

She went to the reception where she was told to directly enter the office.

When she did , she saw the man, in his usual formal clothing, sitting on his chair

Hearing the door open, higurama looked up to see his client. He gave her a small smile which she returned with one of her kind ones

This young woman truly fascinated him. At the young age of 18, she had her life together, engaged and already has 4 adopted children and now is here to adopt her fifth one

"Konnichiwa, higurama-san. I'm here for my final adoption day"

He nodded and ushered her to sit down

That's when he noticed, she wasn't alone. She had a small, bundle of joy with her. A young boy with cherry blossom pink hair color like her

He watched how carefully the young woman picked up the child, sitting down, she sat him on her lap

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