Chapter 1

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— Bruce's POV —

"Vance and I were friends.. if you put it that way.. but friends don't hold hands, say I love you or hang out late at night.. my parents always thought he was a bad influence.. they weren't necessarily wrong.. but.. it's crazy what you do for a friend."

I was laying in bed looking through something I had wrote ages ago. I then heard something hitting my window. I immediately knew who it was. I got up out of bed and opened my blinds. I smiled down at my best friend.. Vance Hopper. He smiled back up at me and said. "Come on Yamada! I'm bored enough already!" I chuckled before putting on my pair of green converse and putting on a black hoodie over my green and white t-shirt. I grabbed the spare key and opened the door, shutting it behind me and locking it. I walked up to Vance and he hugged me.

"I missed you." He chuckled. "I brought alcohol.. and cigarettes?" He smiled. I rolled his eyes as I kept my hands in my pockets. "Vance.. you know I don't smoke.. I'll have some of that alcohol though." He laughs obnoxiously at what I said. "Come on Yamada. Let's go." He said wrapping his arm around me as we walked through the dark, cold streets.

— third person POV —

Bruce saw the park in the distance, suddenly he felt childish, and giddy. He grabbed Vances hand, their fingers intertwining with one another's. "Come on!" Bruce laughs and starts running, dragging Vance along with him. Vance laughs as they run down to the park together. They immediately run down to the swings. Their favourite place to be together. Vance sits down on one of the swings and hands Bruce a beer bottle, Bruce sits down on the swing besides and opens it. "You're a really bad influence.. if my parents found out what we do late at night, I'm having an early funeral.." He chuckled as he took a sip.

Vance laughed as he held a cigarette up to his lips and lit it with his lighter. "Come on Yamada. We've been doing this every night for 3 years. They're hardly gonna find out now. Fuck me if they did though we're fucking goners." He laughs obnoxiously. Bruce laughed along with him. He loved Vances laugh. It always made him smile. Even when he was at his lowest.

They continued sitting in silence for a bit. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. Vance then looked over to Bruce. "We are a bit of an odd duo." He randomly says. "Good boy, bad boy." He points to Bruce then himself. Bruce smiled and laughs. "So rebel you are.." He chuckles and shakes his head.

After a few hours of chatting and messing around, Bruce knew he had to go home. Vance offered to walk him. Of course he accepted. He'd never turn down an offer to spend more time with Vance. Vance and him walked to Bruce's house until they got to Bruce's porch. "I'll see you in school tomorrow.. okay?.." He gently smiled taking Bruce's hand for a few minutes as their fingers intertwine. Bruce smiled back, Vance then suddenly took off his denim jacket and put it around Bruce. "Oh.. are you sure-" Vance immediately cut off Bruce. "It's a present.. think of it as a very very early Christmas present.." He gently chuckles.

Bruce also chuckles. "I'll see you tomorrow Vance.." Vance walks off and looks back at him while smiling. "See you tomorrow Yamada." He smiled before walking out of Bruce's sight.

Bruce quietly crept inside and up to his bedroom. He slept in Vances jacket for the rest of that night. It smelt like cigarettes and alcohol.. but in a good way. Bruce snuggled into it. Letting his mind slowly wander, he let his mind pretend that Vance was beside him with his arms wrapped around him. Even though it will never happen. He still loves the thought..


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