Chapter 4

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— Panic attacks, swearing, etc —

— third person POV —

Bruce had stayed up all night, crying his eyes out. He was laying in bed, his eyes all puffy and his pillow drenched with his tears. He had school. Everything in him just wanted to lock himself in his room all day and cry, but he knew he couldn't. He got up and got into his clothes. He walked downstairs where he was met with his mother making breakfast and his father reading the newspaper.

"Morning Bruce. How'd you sleep?" His dad said, acting like nothing had ever happened. Bruce just ignored him. Everything little muscle in his body just wanted to turn around and beat the shit out of his father. His dad had always been a bitch. But now he just despised him. He went into the living room and grabbed his bag before snatching some toast. "Bruce! Did we ever tell you it's rude to ignore people!?" His dad yelled. Bruce turned to him and flipped him off. "I'm fucking done talking to you." He snarled before walking out the door and slamming it. Leaving his parents there stunned.

Bruce was making his way to school. Still eating his toast. He was wearing Vances denim jacket that he refused to take off. He loved it so much.. he just couldn't bring himself to not wear it. He had a feeling he had a little bit of a crush on Vance. But he was never going to confess that. He finally got to school and walked in the doors, all the loud noises hit him at once, it slightly overwhelmed him. He made his way over to his locker, putting on his headphones to drown out the noise. He looked for his books and got them for his first three classes. He then headed off to his first class.

He sat down at the back putting his books on the desk, the teacher came into the classroom and immediately put down some sheets. "Right class we are having a test on fractions!" She smiled. The whole class groaned. But Bruce froze. He was no good at fractions. And he would be killed if he failed this test. He barely passed his last one. Bruce put his head down and began breathing quickly and heavily. The kid beside him, Finney blake looked at him. "Hey.. Bruce you okay?.." Bruce couldn't speak. He didn't want to. He didn't dare put his head up as he had tears currently streaming down his cheeks.

Finney was still looking at Bruce. Bruce wiped his eyes and raised his hand. "Miss can I go to the bathroom?.." His voice was shaky and his hands were shaking. "Be quick Bruce I don't have time for your shenanigans." Bruce immediately got up and basically ran out of the classroom. He ran into the bathroom and locked the door, he began crying and hyperventilating. The finney Blake kid knocked on the door again. "Bruce?.. are you okay?.." Bruce just began sobbing. "Bruce?.. can you open the door please?.." His voice was sweet and gentle. "No! Fuck off!" He yelled through tears. Finney sighed on the other side of the door. "Bruce just let me in and I can help you.." He said comfortingly. Bruce stayed quiet for a moment before opening the door.

Finney step closer to him and wrapped his arms around him. "What happened back in class?.." He whispered as he kept hugging him. "I can't do that test.. I don't know fractions.. if I fail this test I'm gonna be a goner.." He whispers. "Are you sure that's all?.." He said gently playing with his hair, it reminded Bruce of Vance. Causing him to just break out in tears. "My parent forced me to stop seeing my best friend.. and I don't know what to do.." He said through sobs. Finney looked at him sympathetically and comforted him. "Hey.. hey.. it's okay.. I'm sure you'll see him around.. there is a party tonight.. maybe he'll be there?.." He said tilting his head. "I don't wanna go to a stupid party.." Bruce said angrily. "Hey.. if you see him there though you guys can hang out.. you're parents would never find out if you don't tell them.." He gently smiled.

Bruce thought for a moment. "Not a bad idea I guess.." He mumbled. "Here." Finney wrote down the address and gave it to Bruce. "We might bump into each other at some point. But if we don't, enjoy the party okay?.." He gently smiled before walking out of the bathroom. Bruce looked at the paper and gently smiled. This Finney kid was really nice.

— Okay yea fun idk what to put here but enjoy👀 —

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