Chapter 5

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— a lot of underage drinking, swearing, underage smoking —

— Bruce's POV —

I know I told myself I wouldn't. But I did anyway. I'm on my way to that dumbass party Finney invited me too. To be honest I kinda hope I don't see Vance there. It would be quite awkward, but of course. I'm in his denim jacket. Again. My parents keep yelling at me to take it off. But I'd never. I finally got to the party and saw Finney with some Spanish guy by the looks of it.

"Hey Bruce!" He smiled as him and the other boy walked over to us. "Hey." I say, not really knowing what to say. "Bruce this is Robin. Robin this is Bruce." He smiled. "Nice to meet you." He says extending his hand for me to shake. He seems friendly enough to say the least. I shake his hand and put my hand back in my pocket. "Nice to meet you." I say. "Hey do you both wanna go inside." Finney asks looking at the two of us. "Fuck yea. I need some alcohol. Not much fun if there ain't any drinks." Robin says as he ties up his hair.

I felt like a bit of a third wheel not gonna lie. Robin and Finney flirting and holding hands. Robin did seem a real charmer. Or maybe Finney was just head over heels. But I was standing at the counter drinking some beer while Robin and Finney were opposite me. They were too busy in their own little world talking. So I just rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to a empty bedroom and sat down. I was drinking beer. On my own, until I saw a curly haired figure come into the room. "Bruce?" I immediately recognised the voice. My head shot towards the door and of course. As I suspected. There was Vance. He looked the same. But for some reason.. he felt different.

"Vance?" I immediately get up. He looks me up and down. He looks like he's terrified. But also very happy. "H-Hi.." He stutters, I immediately hug him. Not even thinking about what I was doing at this point. He hugs back, very tightly. It felt like forever since I last saw him. "It feels like it's been so long.." He whispers, I hug him even tighter. Not daring to let go, I'm acting like he'll disappear forever if I do. "It has been Vance.. too long.." I whisper. "Look.. I know we can't hang out but.. can we at least hang out here?.. your parents don't have to know.." He says, slightly desperate. I nod, "I'd love too.." I gently smile. He looks at the jacket again. "You're still wearing it.." He whispers. Making eye contact with me. I nod, "I haven't taken it off.." I gently smile.

Vance glances at my lips and back at my eyes. I was wondering if my eyes were fooling me. But I copied him. He swallows thickly and looks off to the side, his cheeks getting a slight pink tint over them. "Vance?.." I spoke, his face immediately shot back towards me. I don't know what I was doing, but I slowly leaned in and pressed my lips against his, he didn't pull away, but he didn't necessarily kiss back either, I felt a little gasp leave his mouth as my lips press against his. I pull away, reality finally hitting me. I fucked up, big time.

We both looked at each other in shock, "I have to go.." I immediately said rushing past him, "Bruce-" I didn't look back.

— AYY WE GOT THE KISS BUT NUH UH YOU AINT GETTING SHIT YET LOL LMAO😍🥰 (I love the way I said underage smoking but never mentioned it☺️) —

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