Chapter 7

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— slight mentions of sex but no full detail —

— Bruce's POV —

I was walking to Vances house. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but here I am. Following my stupid, dumb heart. Before I knew it I got to his door. I hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. A few minutes later, a curly, blonde haired boy answered the door. None other than Vance.

"Bruce?" He says, slightly shocked. "H-Hey.." I sound like such a pick me when I stutter, I cursed myself for it. He looked at me, "why are you here? I thought you left after the party." I knew exactly what he was referring too. "Look I know-" He immediately covered my mouth. "Shh." He dragged me upstairs to his room and shut the door. I look at him before sighing. "Look I'm really sorry for the other night Vance, it was really idiotic of me to walk out without saying anything-"

I got cut off again. But with Vances lips on mine. "You never let me finish my sentence the other night." He whispers. I gasp and hold my breath. I look at him and he looks back up with me. His shit eating grin on his face. I didn't think at all, I just kissed him again. I needed it, more than ever. His hand went to the back of my neck and his other to my waist. It felt as if time had just stopped right then and there. I move both my hands to the side of his neck and kiss him back.

Next thing I know, we are both on the bed with no shirts on. I kinda had a feeling where this was going anyway. But I didn't exactly hate it. Sure eventually both of us had nothing on. Just our bare skin touching each other. Vances skin was burning, and I could tell. He kept saying my name, over and over and over until I just wanted him to shut up. But it only gained a laugh from him. I don't know why we were doing this. Maybe just because the past few days were a mess, definitely a roller coaster of emotions.

Can't lie though, I love the way he moaned when I pulled his hair. The taste of cigarettes on his lips, my mind was already foggy, and I could feel the scratch marks forming on my waist. But all was lost when my eyes rolled back, and I forgot about everything.

I woke up the next morning, wrapped in Vances embrace. I noticed his bare torso covered in red scratch marks, I smiled at the sight. I could barely move. Felt paralysed to be honest. But it was a nice experience last night. The only thing I can properly remember is Vance telling me he missed me. It replayed in my mind until Vance slowly started to wake up. We spent the rest of the day in bed. Due to tiredness, barely being able to move, and lack of motivation. But we stayed in each others embrace. Not daring to let one another go.

— my big plan has made its entrance😘😘 (seriously tho hope u enjoyed bc I did have fun making this. It was quite cute) —

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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