A2.5: Night of the Harvest Moon

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During Sonar's daily pranks, Predacon uprisings, and Treehouse duties, no one expects a Harvest Moon to come out at night. 

Zara: "The Harvest Moon is a special event in which case some characteristics change among us, literally."

Sonar: "So this is what the Harvest Moon looks like."

But when Wolfgang comes back from night patrol, he sees the Harvest Moon and he starts to feel strange, turning him into what's called: a Werewolf.

Wolfgang: "What's happening to me?!"

The Predacons are approaching the base when suddenly, a bloodthirsty Wolfgang attacks like he can't control himself. 

Sonar: "Wolfie? Are ya still mad that I surprised you a few times earlier?"


"Sorry, I asked!"

Then, he smells a bat, mainly Sonar, and chases her around the base.

Sonar: "Why? Why is this happening to him, of all people?"


Sonar: "Sorry! Werewolf chasing me! Coming through!"

Rattrap: "A werewolf? That's gotta be you prankin' us again, Sonar."


Sonar: "Yoink!"

Cheetor: "(muffled speech)"

Sonar: "So much as squeal, and I'll feed you to Wolfie!"

Cheetor: "Wait, "Wolfie"?"

Sonar: "Wolfgang, turned feral, Harvest Moon, tryin' to kill me. Anyway, I need you to stall Primal and keep him away from Wolfie, 'kay?"


Rhinox: "Optimus? Did you see a werewolf come through here?"

Optimus Primal: "A werewolf? Don't be ridiculous."


Sonar: "Whew. Glad that's ov-(sees a feral Wolfgang.) Aw, come on!"

[Chasing continues.]

Sonar: "Why did I have to sacrifice the Maximals for my STUPID PRANKS?!!!!!"

Now weakened, Sonar was about to die at the hands of her own Treehouse friend until, 

Sonar: "Stay back. I'm warning you! [sonic attack]"

she let out a sonic scream to stop him for now.

Sonar: "Whoa! That just happened?"

The Harvest Moon is over, and Sonar gained a new ability: Sonic Scream.

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