A2.11: The Hottest Day in Animatron

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It seems like a beautiful day in Animatron, but what's with this heat?!

Cheetor: "Duuuude, it's hot!"

Rattrap: "Duuude, I know! So, what's the temp?"

Oh, and does Optimus Primal seem okay? Don't tell me, he's feeling the effects of the Bug again?

Then, Rhinox faints, which means this is a mission for the Maximals and IceLynx.

That's when it was Antleer and Komodo making the Axalon hot. But, that wasn't it. A giant rock made of Energon never seen before made its way to Animatron before the heat wave started.

So, the Maximals decide to move the rock in a volcano to lessen the heat wave.

The mission is complete and yet, Why do the Maximals have a head cold?! I guess we'll never know.

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