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Saturday came quicker than I expected and the pack house was full of wolves. Kayden was down there trying to make sense of it all and to try and get everyone settled. I was so damn nervous to go down there I didn't want to do this. Lexa was with me on the 4th floor she was helping me get ready. I sighed and she looked at me, "you are going to be fine" she said, "easy for you to say you are already marked. I need to fight for my mate and all of this is stupid" I said throwing my arms up.

"I agree but once our alpha takes power this is how it is going to be" she said. " I hate all of this Lexa it's just so hard" I said.

"I know I feel for you and I am sorry you need to go through this. I wish I could fight for you" Lexa said. " I wish Kayden could fight for me I know Kato would do whatever it takes" I said.

"That he would and I have a feeling he isn't going to sit lightly either." Lexa said, "meaning what?" I said worried. "Meaning I am not sure if he is going to let this happen, Mack seems to think he is going to do something to stop it" she said.

This worried me him going against Onyx this soon would be suicidal for both of us. Lexa said I was ready and I looked in the mirror I looked incredible. I knew Kayden would not be able to take his eyes off me. Lexa was ahead of me and I grabbed the potion my parents gave me and drank it. I knew I didn't have a choice and I hope it did what my mom said and kept me safe. My ankle felt better but it wasn't 100% and that worried me.

Once we made it downstairs I stayed inside and there was an announcement. This was all taking part outside and I took a deep breath. It wasn't like this was my wedding day but it sure felt like it. I hoped when that day did come that Kayden and I would elope.

I walked out of the pack house and all eyes were on me. Even Alpha Onyx looked stunned at my outfit. I knew I was making a statement and my eyes locked with Kayden. He looked sexy but his eyes looked me up and down. I walked towards him and my parents smiled at me as I made up to the stage. "You look amazing" Kayden said but before we could do anything Onyx walked onto the stage.

It was taking everything I had not to rip his throat out, "thank you everyone for coming, now it is time for the challenge. I do ask for all challengers who wish to mate with Alpha Kayden to please step forward" Alpha Onyx said. I looked at all the girls that came forward and I could feel Kayden stiffen beside me. There were more challengers than we all originally thought and I knew Kayden wouldn't want any of them. "Perfect now, this fight will be to the death so anyone who wants to back out now would be the time to do so" Alpha Onyx said. To the death did he say fuck that I am not fighting to my death. I mean I am only 18 years old, I didn't want to do this, I felt the tears try and come out. I had to old them back I couldn't show weakness I just couldn't I am supposed to be strong. 

A few girls backed out that was good, now there were 15 and I am not sure if Aspen and I had it in us to do this. All these girls only had to fight once I needed to fight 15 times and I just didn't think I could do this. 

"Will the first challenger please step forward" Onyx said, "Wait I have something to say" Kayden said. "After Kayden this is about your mate right now" Onyx spat at him, "NO! I will not have this, I am challenging you Onyx! I am done living by your damn rules! Fight me first then you can do whatever you want that is if you live long enough" Kayden said with anger.

"You are not of age Kayden" Onyx said, "scared you will lose?" Kayden taunted him I tried to plead with him but he wasn't backing down. "No of course not, very well you will get your challenge but first your mate will fight. She will fight one girl of my choosing if she wins I will accept your challenge. If she loses you will bow to me Kayden, and never again challenge me" he said. 

Kayden looked to me and I nodded I could do this, if he was going to fight then so was I, Aspen woke up in side me she was ready.

Lets' do this 

I am with you 

"Alright Sierra take her" Onyx said, and the tallest girl I had ever seen stood forward, I bet her wolf was huge. She shifted and was on all fours and I was right, I let Aspen forward taking off my dress and shifting before anyone could see me. 

"Now remember it is to the death" Onyx said, Sierra's wolf was not backing down, she came right at me I let Aspen take over. 

She went for my throat man she was going right for it, I kicked her away from me and took out front legs. She fell and I bit the back of her neck, she whined as I bit harder, and it made her fall further into the ground. She tried to get out of my grasp but Aspen was not giving up she was determined to win this fight. Finally she came free and she was tall so she felt like she could beat me as she bit my front paw and I groaned. I wasn't going down that easy as a small wolf I took that as my advantage and went straight for her jugular and bit her. I felt my teeth sink in and she whined as she fell to the ground and with that she was gone.

I heard cheers really, I mean I just killed someone and they were cheering. I felt horrible but I knew I had to do it. Then the worry set in now Kayden had to go up against that horrid man, I was not ready for this. 

I shifted back into a human and fell to my knees I couldn't move my arm, Vivian was right there and she treated me.

꧁༺ 𝓚𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓮𝓷 ༻꧂

"Well Onyx what do you say" Kayden said, "That was impressive I admit, think she can do it again?" Onyx said. "No you had your fun, that poor girl died for you selfishness and I refuse to let any more wolves die for your sick game. I am challenging you so either accept it or step down you are not worthy of being king" I said. "Oh yeah why has no one else challenged me oh that is right because they all know I am the rightful king" Onyx said. "Nah we were just waiting for the right wolf to take you on" Blaze said, "I see who else feels this way?" Onyx said, out of the 10 Kingdoms 7 of the Alphas were on my side I appreciated that. The others well they were team Onyx and I expected that from those packs, Crystal blood always hated me and even Maddox said they were team Onyx. Midnight and Ever green did surprise me though, I wasn't expecting that.

"As you wish Kayden but you 7 when he loses all of you will no longer be Alpha's" he said, Onyx stepped away to see his mate and I did the same, Blaze followed me. "Milah are you okay?" I asked her, "I am good Kayden please don't lose" she said, "I won't and I will mark you soon" I said as I kissed her and walked away. "Please don't lose we all kind of like being the Alpha" Blaze said.

I felt Kato he was ready for this fight and he never lost so I knew he would have my back always. "I won't" I said as I felt a few pats on the back, then my beta came up to me, "good luck man, if you lose can I have your floor?" he said. I laughed, "no" I said and he gave me a wink, he was making jokes because he knew I would not lose. 

This was it the moment of truth, I mean was I ready to be Alpha King hell now but anything was better than Onyx. I honestly couldn't wait to rip out his throat, I did however feel bad for his mate, losing a mate was hard. I know that it destroys the wolf and it makes shifting hard and the person eventually either dies or they fall into a coma and never recover.

I did not plan on doing that to Milah so winning this fight was essential!

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