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I made it back down to the dining hall and found Milah in the corner she was surrounded by a group of women. "Milah can I borrow you for a minute please" I said pulling her away. "Sure" she said shooting an apologetic glance towards Lexa.

"Thank you" she said, "hmm anytime my little white wolf" I said pushing her against a wall and kissing her. "Kayden people will hear us" she said, "what is your point? you are already carrying my children and you smell heavenly" I said kissing down her neck, "Kayden" she said and I pulled off her shirt.

I wasn't backing down, and she was going to accept this no matter what, god she was beautiful, I was just about to make her mine when we were interrupted.

"Alpha, oh man I am sorry" Maddox said, "What is it Maddox?" I said, "I um its fine it can wait" he said, "you already fucking interrupted me just spit it out" I said annoyed now, "Alpha we have some visitors" he said. "Fucking hell" I said handing Milah back her shirt and we both followed Maddox.

"Alpha Darius to what do I owe the pleasure" I said not liking he was here, "I was wondering about the ball, and I also brought you this as a gift" Darius said. The baby cried as he handed it to him and Kato growled at it. "Is this one of those Deity's?" I asked, "yes and funny thing is we had it for months and nothing ever happened" Darius said, "do you have any witches on the property?" I asked him.

"No I never did like them much" he said, "okay, well that could be why" I said as I set the baby down. "What do you plan on doing with it?" Darius asked, "killing it" I said as I picked up a silver knife, "Kayden no" Milah said, "I am sorry love" I said and I stabbed it, and the yellow glow that was coming from this particular baby died along with it.

"You are a monster" Milah said as she ran off, "need anything else?" I said to Darius and I was pissed now he could have easily done that, "no but Maddox is it?" he said, "yes sir" Maddox said, "your parents are here they wish to see you" Darius said as he left.

"They still team Onyx?" I said, "yes very much so and they are not happy with my mate choice" he said. "Well not like you could have controlled that" I said as I left him not wanting to deal with his parents.

I found Milah in the room on the 4th floor, "Milah talk to me" I said, "no I would rather not" she said. "You know I could not keep that baby alive, look how many problems they have already caused" I said. "You didn't even hesitate, what if our babies have some sort of magical ability are you going to kill them?" she spat at me.

"Do not do that of course not, and we wolves our babies are going to be fine, Milah this is the hormones talking" I said. "Fuck you do not blame this on the hormones! you killed a baby Kayden a baby! what if there is a reason I didn't turn until I met you hmm? what if I am magical in some way and our baby has powers?" she said.

"You are overreacting here, and I am not having this conversation, I will not kill my own children" I said, and I walked away. She was being irrational, and I saw Lexa walking up, "I got her Alpha" she said. I nodded and went towards the argument I was currently hearing.

'•.¸,°.. Maddox ..°,¸.•'

I was annoyed my parents were here like they hated Kayden, and I was afraid to introduce them to Aurora. I felt like this was all just going to blow up in my face, "Maddox honey so good to see you" my mother said. "Sure, it is, mom what do you want?" I asked her, "that is not a way to great your mother" my father said.

"Look I am not in the mood I have things to do" I said, "what could you possibly have to do?" my mother said. "I have patrols to do, and my mate is in the hospital wing" I said. "Pity, was she hurt?" my mother said. "Save it mother you can go the same way you came" I said as I walked away.

"Maddox you do not talk to your mother like that!" my father James yelled, "I am not living under your rules anymore dad now if you will excuse me I have somewhere to be" I said. Kayden came around the corner.

"Problem?" he asked, "no its fine mind your business" my dad said, "Look James this is my pack, and you have no authority here. I do not appreciate you yelling in the halls, and if Maddox asked you to leave, I suggest you do that" I said. "Or what?" James said, "or I can make you leave" I said.

"Onyx was a better King then you will ever be, your damn rules will never work" James said, my dad was digging himself a grave. I felt Aurora coming and this was not going to end well, "there you are Maddox" Aurora said.

"Aurora interesting name" my mother Gwenivere said, "and who are you?" Aurora said, "I am Maddox's mother and who might you be?" she said, "I am your daughter in law I guess" she said super friendly.

My mother stepped back like she was some sort of disease, "Maddox honestly you can do better she is what 12?" Gwenivere said, "could you be any more of a bitch honestly mother" I said. "I am 16 just in case you cared, and I am the sister of the Alpha, so you best not piss me off" she said. Kayden still standing there letting his sister fight her own battle. I am sure he would step in if he needed too but Aurora was a firecracker.

"You think a measly childlike yourself scares me; Maddox come home please we miss you" my mother said. "I am good here thanks" I said, "we didn't come here to argue I will be damned if my son if living under this bullshit of an Alpha." my dad said.

I think that did it I saw Kayden's hair stand on end and I knew Kato was on the verge. "Say that again to my face, James, I will end you and you know it" Kayden said loudly and with so much power behind his voice it made me cringe.

"You are a bullshit Alpha and do not deserve the title of King" James said, "dad please just go" I said. "Fine we will leave but consider coming back with is Maddox" my mother said as she pulled my father along.

I sighed, "Maddox" Kayden said, "I know Alpha I am sorry, but I do not feel the same way as they do" I said. "I know but I will not have them remaining on my pack lands, they will need to leave immediately, or I will end them both" he said. "I understand Alpha" I said as he walked away, I didn't know what to think.

Aurora looked at me, "are you okay?" she asked, "I am fine I just they are so annoying, Onyx was awful, and they know it" I said. "Maddox" Aurora said, "I am not leaving you don't worry but I also don't need your brother killing them they are still my parents" I said. "They asked me if I was 12 and you didn't even stand up for me" she said, "honestly didn't think I needed too, and what does it matter what they think?" I said.

"It matters to me Maddox they are your parents" she said, "not like your parents would approve of me either" I said. "I wouldn't know would I" she spat at me, "Aurora I am sorry I didn't mean that" I said. "Whatever Maddox go if you want too, I won't stop you but if you leave Kayden will never let you come back" she said walking away.

I mean hell I knew that was true, but I didn't want to leave and fuck my parents honestly fighting with Aurora was not on my to do list. I found where my parents were staying and knocked on their door. "I am sorry, but you need to leave" I said, "Maddox come with us" my mom said, "I can't I am a part of this pack now" I said. "Over my dead body" my dad said, "I assure you that can be arranged, and I am not a child anymore I found my mate. I like it here" I said, "you like living under this horseshit leadership?" my dad said, "Alpha Kayden is a better leader then Darius or Onyx ever was. His wolf can rip you apart in seconds" I said. "I would like to see him try" my dad said.

"Trust me it can be arranged, Fluffy see to it that they leave the property" Kayden said as his three headed dog growled. "What on earth is that?" my mother said, "mom please just go please" I said. "This is not over Maddox" my father said as they walked off property and through the barrier.

I knew they would be back for the ball, and I am sure it wasn't going to be pretty, I needed to do some major damage control with Kayden.

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