Fifty seven

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Damn Mack really knew how to hold a grudge I mean I know I screwed up, but I really wanted to make it up to him somehow. I wanted to stay in Mystic shadow pack. It was the only place that I ever really felt like I was at home all the travelling around really did a number on me. I wanted to settle down, find my mate and just be home. I had 24 hours left to prove to Kayden that I wasn't a threat I mean the only one who thought I was a threat was Mack. I managed to
get the other rogues to leave, but I didn't think they would be gone for long.

I knew who they were, and we did sort of hang out for a few months, but I wouldn't really consider them friends. They were nothing like Kayden and Mack, everything was riding on Mack and I needed to figure out a plan. How could I get him to trust me again? I mean I was really actually there to help the Luna, but he blew up. What did he think I was going to do murder their child? I mean all I want is to be a part of this pack like I was before hell I didn't care if we were never friends all I want is to be home. I'm sick and tired of being on the run sick and tired of having no alpha. It's hard not having anyone to rely on having an alpha makes everything easier wolves don't look at you like you're some kind of criminal.

Most rogues choose this life me I never chose it it was given to me and honestly I deserved it. The night that Kayden became alpha, changed my life. I was the beta son when his parents were still in power so technically, I felt I could be alpha. Now, I know how wrong I was and how stupid of a decision I made it was my fault that Mack's Parents died. I was the one who told them the plan that Onyx had to kill Kayden's parents. I didn't expect them to rush to try and save them. It all blew up and then I tried to cover it up with a fire, although that also blew up in my face. So now, my next step is to get Mack to forgive me, or even just let me stay.

I saw Mack's mate walking around I knew she was pregnant so she wouldn't be able to shift but she was still working. I think she was doing a patrol. I watched just to make sure nothing bad happened. I knew those rogues were still out there. I still didn't know their plan, because I left before they decided to come to Mystic shadow, I don't know why they came to Mystic shadow I know that they like being rogues. Everyone that was in Easton's pack are now rogues except for the few people that stayed here. I noticed that Lexa had all of a sudden stopped and she was staring outside the border. I knew that meant trouble, but I couldn't link anyone because I wasn't part of the pack. I had to do something I couldn't let the rogues get to her.

I shifted bringing my wolf shadow forward. He was ready to strike everything happened so fast I didn't even know what I was doing. Before I knew it she was on the other side of the border, and I heard her scream. Shadow leaped out after her and I was able to take down the rogue quickly Lexa crawled back in. I could hear her crying on the other side, but my mission was to take down this rogue. After a few minutes I killed them. I know it was probably wrong, but I didn't want them to hurt the betas girl. I couldn't get back in because I wasn't part of the pack, but I saw the border fall and Kayden and Mack were standing there. I didn't know what to do were they gonna yell at me or were they gonna invite me back in? I had to shift back because it was the only way I could communicate with them. "Charlie, you saved Lexa's life, thank you and I forgive you" Mack said. I felt like that was huge. I mean with Kayden standing here that mean that I was part of the pack.

" Charlie, what you did was huge and I guess it was the best way for you to get Mack to forgive you, if you would like to stay, I could make it official" Kayden said, " yes please I would love to be in this pack again, and for you to be my Alpha" I said, before I knew it, I was being sworn in and it felt good. " thank you for saving my life. I should never have peaked out of the border. I guess now that I'm pregnant I have to stop doing patrols." Lexi said, Mack agreed with her and turned back to me, " it might take us a bit to be friends again, but as far as I'm concerned we are square" he said, taking his girl back into the pack house. I smiled at least I had that now all I needed was to find my mate. I didn't think this pack was gonna be the answer but you never know I am sure I haven't met everyone yet.

I decided to do a tour of the Packhouse now that I was official I didn't feel like I was stepping out of bounds by doing so. This place always brought back memories. I remember when Kayden, Mack and I were little the games, we used to play in this place. It was comforting being back here but also a little scary even though they forgave me for what I did I still didn't. I knew they had to rebuild. The place was a little different, but it still felt like home. Would I be able to forgive myself? I thought as I sat down in the library. This place wasn't here before this must be new I wonder who built it or who decided to build it? One thing for sure this was probably the most comfortable couch I've ever sat on. Someone sat down beside me, and I looked up to see Aurora. " I heard your official." She said to me, " yeah feels a little weird being back. I'm surprised you even remember me" I said to her. " I remember you being the best friend to Kayden, you were always meant to be his beta, but then things changed. You sort of turned on them. I remember you coming after me but of course I knew my brother would never let that happen. What did happen?" Aurora asked. " I honestly couldn't tell you. I made a huge mistake and I regret it every day. Just know Aurora I would've never have hurt you. I really am sorry." I said, she smiled and give me a hug " I forgive you" she said, and walked away damn was everybody in this place pregnant? I could smell it on her too.

A few more girls walked in, and then it hit me. The most amazing smell, and I looked at her. It was as if my heart had stopped.  I knew she felt it too as she looked at me and my wolf made me get down on my knees. Damn was this guy actually begging for her to be with me, she laughed, and made me stand back up. " Hi, I'm Willow." She said, " Hi Willow, I'm Charlie." I said back to her God she was beautiful. I didn't actually think that I was going to meet my mate after being sworn in. "This has been the best day of my life Willow. I am yours forever" I said to her this got the other girl with her to laugh. " Geez, Charlie did you get corny or what?" Liliana said. " shut up Liliana it's not like I planned that" I said, " no of course not, but my brother never liked you and now I don't know I guess we'll never get to chance to find out if you would ever get back in his good books" she said, " yeah, I was really sorry when I heard about your brother, I'm glad though that you were able to find your mate Cole is a good guy." I said, " you knew Cole?" Liliana asked. " I knew of Cole I don't actually know him I'd like to get the chance after I get to know my mate" I said getting Willow to smile.

Willow and I walked away leaving Liliana alone, I had no idea where this girl was taking me, but I would follow her anywhere. Shadow was literally grovelling at her feet and I knew, that I was in trouble. " Charlie you don't have to keep impressing me I already chose you" Willow said, " sorry Willow it's not something I can control. My wolf has been waiting a long time for this because he never thought it would happen rogues don't exactly get to meet mates. I never thought I would be a part of a pack again so this is kind of big" I said she smiled, " well I am glad you're not a rogue then I would've never have met you, and I would be mateless forever" she said. I for one was glad that she wasn't mateless because a beautiful girl like her deserved a mate and I was going to do everything I could to make her happy. 

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