Eighty three

11 2 0


The frustration for me was setting in, and I needed to be home helping Milah with our newest addition. I swear she was worse than both twins put together, she has been with us for 3 days and has maybe slept 3 hours. At least that is what it feels like, both Lyla and Theo have been sleeping at Charlie and Willows.

"Arianna please stop  crying" Milah begged our infant, I was with her she was loud, "I can't get any work done here" I said, "I don't care!  you wanted her you deal with it, I can't even hear my own thoughts! Plus Aspen is dying to get out" Milah said handing me Arianna. Then she took off and shifted before my eyes, I mean I didn't blame her, it was a long 3 months for her without shifting.

"Arianna please let daddy think" I said trying to rock her anything at this point. She just continued screaming, it made me think she was cursed or something. Were all our kids doomed to have problems? I mean Theo had a heart problem, Lyla was possessed by a vampire, and Arianna well I don't know what is wrong with her. I needed help and I linked everyone

Please help your Alpha I am struggling!

One I couldn't get my daughter to sleep or stop screaming, and 2 I had no idea where my wife went and I was worried. She had her link turned off and I wondered if that had something to do with Arianna.

There was a knock on my door thank god someone came to help me, I opened it to Mack of course he of all people would respond.

"Man she is loud" he said, "yes here take her please" I said trying so badly to just get 5 minutes of peace. "I came here for a reason" he said, "yes to help me and thank you" I said trying to get to my office. "ALPHA!" he screamed getting Arianna to stop and look at him, before she started again even louder. "Oof sorry" Mack said handing her back to me.

"Ugh baby girl please" I said trying to shush her, "I came here for a reason" Mack said, "well if I could hear you then I would listen, do you know where her mother is?" I asked, "she is with Lexa she is fine" Mack said. "Of course her daughter needs her and her link is turned off to me" I said, "oh um she will be back, Kayden listen to me we have a problem" Mack said.

"Mack, I can't listen to the problem when I can't even hear my own thoughts, help me calm her first please" I said. Mack nodded as he took Arianna back and tried his best to calm her down, of course he was even more useless than me. "Maybe she is hungry" he said, "I tried that she won't eat she just refuses sleep" I said.

I wasn't sure what Mack was doing but he closed his eyes and kissed her head, it did nothing obviously. Then a few seconds later there was another knock on my door and I opened it to Harley and Chantelle.

"Awe she is so sweet" Chantelle said, "she might be cute but she won't stop crying" I said, "here let me" Chantelle said taking her. She hugged her to her chest and started singing, I never knew she could do that. Within minutes Arianna was asleep, "wow" I said, "she likes music" Chantelle said getting her settled in her bassinet it was the first minute of piece I had since she was born.

"You are hired as our nanny" I said and she laughed, "I can sing anytime you need me too" she said, "thank you, Harley keep this one" I said, "I plan to in fact we are having a baby of our own soon" he said. "That is great man" I said hugging them.

"Alpha" Mack said, "yes okay what is the problem?" I said looking to my Beta, "As you know those 3 days you were gone, and those people being dead. It was apparently a seal, and there are 4 more to be completed, Milah being the last one" he said, "okay, she is not dying" I said, "I know you said that but if the other 3 get broken than I feel like we all might be in danger" Mack said. "What is the other 3?" I asked,

"3 lives will be sacrificed, a witch at full power must give in, and a sacrifice of a newborn before their first breath" Mack said. "Okay nothing like that has or will ever happen here"  I said.

"I know but it doesn't state it needs to happen here, look" Mack said showing me everything he found out. "I get it but under no circumstances will I ever let anyone touch Milah or anyone else. We will protect her at all costs understood" I said Harley hearing me too was still here.

"Yes Alpha" they both said, with that they both left, and I had a lot of work to do, I hoped Arianna slept for at least another hour.

I was just in the middle of getting work done, when I heard her crying. I mean I swear this baby was going to have a breakdown soon. I heard Milah she was with her thank goodness. I continued working, I called Blaze and asked him to send Milahs parents for a visit. I would need to talk to them about this whole mess.

If Constantine were to come back we would all be in trouble. I just didn't think he would stop until the entire wolf species was dead. If he were to get a hold of my children again there would be hell to pay. Kato agreed with me, he was ready for a fight. He didn't care I think if it came down to if he would sacrifice himself to protect his family.

I knew that meant I would have to give up being Alpha but it would be worth it. Clearly how we stopped him before wasn't good enough and now he was constantly going to be after my family.

The information that Mack gave me was not helpful and I was the one who started all of this. I mean I didn't want to think I actually killed all those innocent people. Of course Kato was the one to do it but he didn't remember. Now that our mind was clear of Constantine I hoped Sett could sort this out.

I was worried for him though he was a witch and he had a lot of power. I just hoped he was strong enough not to give in. With him having the amulet I knew we could possibly have the other seals broken. I just so badly prayed that it didn't come to that.

I have yet to tell Milah about it she has no idea. I know she worries but I just don't want her to need too. With Harley telling me he is expecting I worry his baby may be the sacrifice. Liliana was due with her baby in 2 weeks. Chantell being newly pregnant Lilliana was the only one I knew of that was close. Unless it was to be done in another pack.

I did notice however that it was always my pack with the issues, Blaze didn't have any and so far none of the others did either.  I couldn't help but wonder if the king job is cursed. Onyx never complained but he had nightshade at his mercy. I have nothing, I was thinking maybe I should get some.

Onyx was a dick so if the job was cursed it made sense. Although he didn't want to give it up, if he did he try damn hard to keep it. Then he came back to life with witch magic as a djinn so it made me think being king is cursed.

If someone wanted I would gladly give it up but for now I was stuck with the role. I signed a bunch more laws and I was happy to do it most of them made sense. When my office door opened, "hi daddy" Lyla said, "hey Princess" I said back, "mommy needs your help" she said, "okay I am coming" I said and she smiled at me she left.

Well here it goes back to being a father, I knew she needed help with Arianna I could hear her crying. As soon as I left the office I scooped her up and started rocking her and singing out of tune. I of course couldn't sing like Chantelle but it was all the same right.

"Daddy that's bad" Lyla said laughing, "oh well can you do better?" I asked her, " I can listen" Lyla said as she started to sing. She sounded amazing, and Arianna stopped crying and looked at her sister. "It's working Lyla keep going" I said, and even Milah was impressed. We knew now what our newborn needed to sleep singing.

I told Milah her parents were coming tomorrow and that there were a few things we needed to discuss. And of course she wanted to know right away but things were going to have to wait. I only wanted to need to explain it once.  I would probably have Mack join us as well since he was the one to discover all of this.

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