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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝒶𝒽 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  

I could tell that Kayden was angry hell I could feel it but in front of the kids I couldn't do anything. I kept glancing at him while I was making dinner, I was worried I knew that he wanted to challenge those that questioned him. I knew that Mack and Maddox were both worried, and that Aurora came here to yell at him.

One thing for sure my husband was stubborn and when he had his mind made up there was no changing it. For example I knew he wanted another baby despite how badly I didn't, I knew he wanted a bunch more. I mean maybe in a few more years I would see but for now I am happy with the three I have. Lyla was a handful herself and she has issues growing up that we were still dealing with. Theo he is strong and very quiet and he overcame a birth defect that honestly scared me so much. So I have a feeling he will be a great Alpha one day, and little miss Arianna was a diva. She had sass for a little baby and was a force to be reckoned with she was strong headed just like her dad. 

I could feel the link pushing through and it was Lexa and I knew she had an opinion about this whole challenge thing. We all knew that if he did accept the challenge and he died than I would die too. Charlie would get our kids but I just felt like if anyone could beat the mate curse it was me. 

I had to much to live for and I would never be able to leave the kids parentless, I mean would I? I just couldn't imagine them growing up without both of us, I wanted Kayden to forget this whole thing but I felt like I needed to address the feelings of the pack first. 

I knew I needed to do this behind Kayden's back so I shut off the link to him and announced to the rest of the pack.

I know everyone is worried I will come talk to you all after he is asleep, so late night meeting, everyone must shut off their links to him or this won't work

Yes Luna

I heard the chorus through my head and I knew that this was a risk but Kayden was strong willed and he always knew I was up to something. Kato was not messing around and his senses were on point. I knew he was the strongest Alpha for a reason and that is why he was King, but could he survive multiple fights.

I knew this was something the pack and I would need to figure out if we were willing to let him do this. It wasn't just him in this equation it was the pack, me and his kids, I finished cooking and everyone was eating Kayden was silent.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, "fine just a lot on my mind" he said, "I know but do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "I am all talked out Milah, and everyone has an opinion about it and I don't need yours" he said with a little more anger than I would have liked.

"I just want you to talk in account me and our children, that is all I ask" I said, "I am and I am doing this for them and for you. I am tired of this bullshit and I need to deal with it" he said. "Kayden" I said, "no enough is enough if they think I am so weak then let's see them take me on. I fought for this position and now they can too" he said.

"We can talk about this after they are asleep" I said looking at the twins mostly as they were both now staring at him. "No like I said I made up my mind Milah and no one is going to change  it" he said pushing his chair back and taking off out the door. 

Honestly, he was so frustrating, but I mean he did have a point. "What is daddy doing?" Theo asked, "nothing honey" I said, "is he mad?" Lyla asked, "yes but it is nothing either of you two need to worry about. Let's finish dinner" I said. 

I knew he shifted Aspen bristled inside me and she wanted to go after Kato but I couldn't leave my kids. My parents were doing their final move here and they were gathering the last of their stuff from Gold Heart. 

I mean say he did do this and he did win he would be talking about killing 3 Alphas, what would happen to their pack? I knew this was a question for Mack but what was the point to the last challenge. Was it all a big joke? Like I never understood that they were all terrible fighters, and I think everyone knew that. 

I linked to Kayden and he was gone I couldn't feel him and I didn't know if he just had me shut off.

Can anyone link to Kayden?

Mack: you told us to turn him off?

Lexa: I can't sense him no everything okay?

We argued at dinner and he left

Mack: he is fine I can feel his link but he is tuned out

Why did he shut me off?

Mack: he is mad and he hates when you can feel that, I will try finding him

Just leave him he needs time to think, we can meet at 11pm or so?

Mack: I will make sure everyone is gathered


I knew talking to him would just make it worse so I decided to just let him be and not have his Beta going to bug him. I managed to get the kids all bathed and ready for bed without him but I hoped he came back soon.

I was beginning to worry and when he shut me out it made me worry even more, like he could really be an ass sometimes. 

Finally he came home and he went straight to bed it was just after 10 and he had to have been running all this time. I let him be I was meeting the pack in 30 minutes anyways, I waited until I could hear him snoring and left.

I made it into the dining hall it was the biggest place and all the pack sat before me,

"Thank you all for coming, I know we are all worried for Kayden" I said before I was cut off,

"this is a suicide mission and he knows that" Aurora said, "I don't think so" Harley said, "everyone please let the Luna finish!" Mack said getting angry he knew they were speaking over me.

"Thanks Mack, I know we are all worried but we need to think about this from his perspective. He earned his place as King. He fought Onyx not once but twice and beat him, once as a wolf and another as a djinn and survived both times. He fought a dragon and so many other things that were sent after us. He also managed to tame a 3 headed dog for crying out loud and fought several vampires. Kayden is tough and strong and with Kato backing him up I don't think he can lose" I said.

Several people cheered I know we all had faith in him, but I also knew a few had questions.

"What if he does die then what? I mean are you willing to risk it knowing you will leave your kids parentless?" Lexa asked.

"I don't believe he will die I have faith in him and Kato but if he does then I believe that I have enough strength to overcome the mate death" I said.

"Oh come on no one has survived that!" Aurora said.

"I have faith in the Luna and honestly as much as I hate it our Alpha too he is strong and he is a damn good fighter" Mack said.

"Fine but this is suicide!" Aurora said.

"Mack what happens to the packs that lose their Alpha?" I asked, "well Kayden will have to find a replacement for them" he said.

"Interesting so he basically holds all the power?" I said, "yes" Mack said, and I knew that he was going to do this regardless of what anyone else thought.

"Well are we with our Alpha?" I asked them

"HELL YES!" our pack chanted and I felt him behind me and he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

"Who is with the kids?" I asked him,

"your parents" he said, I had no idea they came back, "thanks for this" he said. "Who told you?" I said. 

"You did I heard everything and I am not backing down Milah I can do this but if it does goes south I know you can pull through the mate bond. You are strong and I know you would never leave our kids" he said.

"So you are doing this then?" Mack said, "yes tomorrow" he said. "Wow that soon?" I asked him, "yes I am done Milah literally done and anyone who as a problem with me I say bring it on" he said.

Several people chanted "ALPHA!" and I knew they were just boosting his ego, but I couldn't stop him even if I tried. Kayden was doing this no matter what, tomorrow was going to be very interesting to say the least. 

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