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The past two days were pretty normal for Libbey. She attended her classes, ate her meals with Tiwa, received harsh glares from her rival, and impressed her teachers. She was content with her day to day schedule. Breaking that would cause utter chaos, she just hadn't planned for her life. At the moment she was dressing for the field trip to her father's lab. Her uniform was ironed and her hair free of any flyaways; she loved how she looked in her uniform.

I hope dad doesn't embarrass me in front of the whole class. Everyone always teases about me getting princess treatment from the staff, but if they see how he treats me... Oh god...

Libbey grabbed her bag making her way down to the meetup spot for the fancy buses noticing Tiwa talking with Hector Sloan. Hector was tall like scary tall since Libbey was standing at a mere 5'1. His bright blonde hair and freckled face was always what the girls found so attractive about him, but Tiwa was down bad for this man's manners. He was always so polite and his face lit up when he was around her. Any chance he could to open the door or offer study group to just be near her was what Libbey figured a modern day prince would be like.

"Libs! Hey, Hector was just saying how his mom also works at Lexington Corp in the same lab as your dad! Isn't that cool?" Tiwa leaned down by her hips beaming down at me. The news did surprise Libbey since she never even heard about it from her dad or Hector before. He knew her dad ran the lab so why did he never mention it. Hector rubbed the back of his neck cheeks tinted pink by Tiwa's outburst.

"That's cool", Libbey mumbled pushing a strand behind her ear. She wasn't super comfortable around boys only because she found them distracting. "We should get on the bus soon." Libbey pointed her pastel pink fingernail up to where the doors were opened. The other two nodded walking up before taking a seat together giggling and flirting.

Great now where was I gonna sit?

Libbey groaned seeing the only available spot being next to a grumpy boy with glasses. "There aren't any spots open so could I please sit with you?" Her voice came out soft since she knew how much he disliked her. His eyes glared up at her over his glasses before he scooted closer to the window. She sat down taking in the soft cushions the seat offered and stretched her back straight to get comfortable. "Thank you." She hated the idea of thanking him, but she would suck up her pride to at least keep things civil. She had only been to the lab a few times when her mother came to drop off a late dinner to her father. This time she could actually see how things worked and a few different experiments that were being conducted.

The bus launched forward causing Libbey to grab the seat in front of her and her hand went to the arm rest or atleast she thought it was.
She looked down at her hand clutching Mateo's and snatched her hand back as if she was burned. Her face redden mostly from embarrassment; she never touched a boy's hand and even if it was an accident, why did it have to be his?

What the hell Libbey?! Oh god I touched his hand. Ew! He's gonna get angry isn't he? Say something rude like he always does.

Mateo just moved his hand under his other one before giving her a look and looking out the window. He wasn't in the mood to start an argument or fight. The bus ride would take thirty minutes and he wasn't in the mood of any unwanted tension. No matter how much he didn't like Libbey, he wasn't going to fuck up his one peaceful day. He noticed Hector look back at Libbey giving a smile before his eyes settle on Mateo. Hector seemed like a golden boy to everyone, but that was the brunette's worst nightmare. Hector would always wrap his arm around Mateo acting all charming before whispering some god awful slur in his ear. He always wondered if Tiwa actually knew what kind of guy Hector was. Tiwa was the type of girl to stick up for others which means she definitely had no idea that Mr. Golden Boy was the number one tormentor of Bellgrove High.

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