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Libbey was attending school feeling herself daydream during her physics lecture which was something she never did. Mateo took note of her weird behavior making a jump on taking notes and hoping her hazy appearance could weaken her academically. He felt more determined at school to get to the top and get into Harvard after his mom's confession, but he also felt the need to do good here to balance the bad he was doing in the neighborhood. Stealing wasn't right, but atleast he was stealing from bad guys right?

"Mateo and Libbey," was announced and both looked at the teacher surprised. Build a Bridge was written on the board as a school project and Mateo found himself cringing inwardly at the idea of having to work with little Miss Perfect.

Libbey walked over to Mateo who began packing up at the end of class hoping to not argue. "My dorm or yours?" She asked watching the boy eye her up and down. Without his glasses he was a lot more handsome, but the scowl on his face made him a lot more ugly.

"Library. You aren't coming into my dorm, and I definitely don't wanna be anywhere near yours." She rolled her eyes at him.

"You are already near like three doors down. Stop being dramatic. We can't just build a bridge in the fucking library," She surprised herself with her crude language, but Mateo always seemed to bring it out. Him and Hector atleast.

"Fine do it in mine since we have an extra bed we can work on." He grabbed his back and stood up walking away from her.

"See ya later I guess," The girl muttered watching his retreating figure. She spent lunch sketching different designs for bridge making finding it soothing. She had been sketching her suit so much she found herself doodling more in her day to day.

Suit is done.

Libbey shrieked outside Mateo's bedroom smiling down at her phone, but the smile disappeared as a certain boy opened his door. "Shush, you're too loud." She huffed sending an excited emoji to her dad and walked in. His room was simple with no decorations; fitting for his boring personality. She noticed his book was opened with sketches and she couldn't help laugh. "What's so funny?" He sounded so offended, but she pulled her binder out showing him that their sketches were extremely similar. "Huh..." He looked at hers which seemed a bit more neat from the use of her ruler. He knew she was smart, but it seemed they were on the wavelength for once.

"What materials do you wanna use? Most people are using wire or popsicle sticks," She asked curiously taking a seat on his bed. He should feel disgusted, but he blushed instead surprising the girl. He never had a girl sit on his bed before even the one at home. His spider personality would have flirted but he stood there staring at the girl not knowing what to do. "I could stand up if..."

"NO! Sorry, I just haven't had anyone in my room since the last roommate," Mateo muttered insulting himself for even apologizing to his academic rival.

"Oh," She whispered feeling her cheeks redden. She felt nervous now since she realized not only were they classmates and rivals, but they were the opposite sex. "So..."

"Cement and wire," Mateo suggested. He knew it was a bit more work, but cement was a great idea for their project. He watched the girl place a finger under her lip which she did when she would think hard.

"That's actually really a good idea. We could find pvc pipes to help as a base too," Mateo found himself nodding in agreement. "Wow didn't expect you to agree with me." She teased raising an eyebrow.

"Oh hush! My grades are important, Cho. I'd. rather not work with you, but atleast this way I know we will both pass. Don't think I like you at all. I have to sadly put up with you", Mateo sneered at her. There he was. Asshole Rodrigo.

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