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Libbey was in a great mood when she awoke the next morning forgetting all about her punishment. Her dad had a lengthy list of school work for her to do, but she did so with a smile on her face. All those romance books she secretly reads at school made her daydream in the past about her first interaction with a boy she showed interest in. She never imagined it would be because of some weird spider bite that gave her super powers.

Super powers.

She sat in her room that night staring at an old journal she had to doodle during her spare time. She thought back to her suit she wore and jotted notes down the night prior noticing that the fire webs did singe her suit. She wrote down about how she should find fireproof and wind resistant material that was fitting. Make holes for her wrist that weren't uncomfortable. Even through the chill of the night her suit made her burn up so she figured making slits in the suit to help cool her off. Her pencil kept sketching different ideas resulting in multiple drawings to have a large X through them from her disappointed. She stopped looking at one suit feeling a bit of pride in it. She looked up at her organized Copic markers and tried to figure out a color scheme. Red and White. Red was a color of luck in her culture. White was a color of new beginnings or innocents in western culture. She wanted to try and use this new power for good; protect the innocence of New York and have a meaning to her life. She had no idea how she would even make a suit, but she had an idea that would help her get the best results.

"Daddy? I had a question..." She tiptoed to Mr. Rinaldo who had a laptop in hand. He peeked over the screen eyeing his daughter with curiosity. Libbey never asked for much so for her to approach him it must be important. "I've been curious about cosplay."

His eyebrow quirked. Was this some new teenager thing? He sat up saving his work and closing his laptop. "What's that?"

She sat down on the table in front of him leaning forward with a smile on her face. She knew it was late at night and she probably should be in bed, but she couldn't sleep until she was in front of her father asking this favor. "You know how like super hero movies or those Japanese animations have people dress up in real life. I had this thought... super hero's have all these cool costumes with amazing abilities. Superman's suit can withstand so much with his power right? So what if... we created these suits in real life? Like a science experiment. We create a suit that can withstand heat, cold, bullets... you name it." He was taken aback by the strange request, but in the name of science he found himself excited as well.

"Well, is this for school or you are genuinely interested in creating this project?" He didn't honestly care if it was either; this was his inner boy's dream.

"Just a project for the two of us", She smiled up at her father grabbing a journal she had and opened it for him. He was taken aback of how well the description of her suit was.

Flame-resistant fabric with a protective inner layer beneath the main fabric. Stretching, breathable fabric that allows functionality and flexibility. Wrist and Shoulder openings for air flow to not overheat. Full face mask to hide the hero's identity with large eyes with magnifying capabilities. The red and white color scheme seemed patriotic which he liked. The spider design was interesting...

"Why a spider?" He looked at her seeing her face flush. "This isn't a superhero that I've ever heard of. Spider....woman? I mean is this from some dream or..." His little smirk had Libbey shaking in embarrassment.

"Your spiders... it's an inspiration I guess. Their designs were really cool and I thought that it would make a cool origin story for a story I wanna write." She never lied to her dad. It was half truth, but she felt guilty knowing he was doing all this for her personal gain. If she was ever caught, her father would know.

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