Telltale signs

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Dani stood by the window, her gaze fixed on Haerin's frail figure lying on the bed. It was late in the evening, after the rain had stopped, and the sky was bathed in a gentle orange glow from the setting sun. The room was filled with the soft hum of medical equipment, and an I.V. dripline snaked its way to Haerin's arm. Min Ho had informed Dani that Haerin had caught a fever, likely due to the drenching rain. 

As she observed Haerin, her fine features were taut, a sign that she might be experiencing a distressing dream. Haerin's breathing became labored, and her brow furrowed. Her eyes moved beneath her closed lids, and it was evident that she was immersed in a vivid and recurring nightmare. The dream was taking a toll on her.

Without hesitation, Dani approached the bed and gently reached for Haerin's trembling hand. Her touch seemed to bring solace to the troubled sleeper.  Her eyes fell on the dark yang sign etched onto Haerin's chest, and she noticed the reddening of the skin around it. It was a clear sign of pain, and Dani understood that it could be one of the side effects.

Summoning all her inner strength, Dani traced her fingers lightly over the mark and began to chant in a soft, melodic voice. The words flowed from her, a blend of incantations that had been passed down through the generations of Kalnazaars. The chant was a transfer of pain, a way to draw the pain from Haerin and, if possible, into herself.

As she chanted, she felt a sudden jolt of agony, like a sharp, burning sensation. The pain coursed through her traveling from Haerin's body into her own. It was a searing sensation, but Dani endured it, for she was a Kalnazaar, and this was a pain she could bear—almost a scratch.

She could feel the pain dissipating, like a storm moving away, and she sensed Haerin's breathing becoming more steady, her features relaxing. The dark yang sign on Haerin's chest gradually faded from its angry red hue.

Dani caught up with Min Ho in the living room, where he was engrossed in flipping through the pages of a book. She felt that Min Ho had already grasped her concern. She settled down beside him and got straight to the point.

"She feels some of my physical sensations, right?" Dani inquired.

Min Ho nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so,  the extent I don't know. For now, she felt pain. I can't even imagine how that must have felt like. It's why she passed out."

Dani sighed, "I relieved it for now. But I believe there are remedies that can help."

Min Ho met her gaze. "That's what I'm looking for, for the both of you. From what I have read you two are bound to feel extremes of each condition. You, feeling her emotions, and her, experiencing your physical sensations. This mix-up is far from ideal."

Their conversation was interrupted as Haerin arrived at the hallway adjacent to the living room. She leaned casually against the wall, her tone laced with accusation towards Dani. "So when you realized that I didn't want to help, you decided to cast a spell to attempt to kill me."

Dani said in a curt response. "Trust me, I need no spell to do away with you."

Haerin raised an eyebrow. "So much for saving the world," she scoffed.

Dani felt a surge of anger, a mix of frustration and helplessness. This woman could not even do as her grandmother instructed from the Omnis, something that had never happened in all the books and teachings she had. A Mirsa was supposed to be submissive. One being stubborn was unheard of, this one just set it to irritate her.

"What is this?" Haerin showed the mark on her chest that Dani knew all too well. 

"You are my Mirsa, the person chosen by the white rose, a sacred flower to bond with for me to realize my full power. That is the mark you get when the bond is made."

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