The Mission.

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Lando was walking down a long corridor in the headquarters of the agency. He's happy to finally be back at work after a long summer break. Yeah the break was great and all but he missed work, he loves the adrenaline that it gives him and well he also loves catching bad guys and all. He was walking past his bosses office until something caught his eye and he was about to double check until someone called out.

"Lando, i've been looking for you, did you just get back?" It was his boss Andrea.

"Uh yes I did, something wrong?" Lando questioned.

"No, not yet at least. How's summer been?" Andrea questioned.

"Uh pretty good, I had a great break but I did miss work" Lando answered.

"Right, that's what i love about you Lando, you're always determined and ready to sacrifice yourself for your job, but please don't overdo it of course" Andrea said with a small smile.

"You know me, I would never" Lando laughed.

"I know, anyway, so I actually wanted to introduce you to your new partner for this mission since Daniel is now paired with Max," Andrea continued.

"Oh, right. Anyone new?" Lando questioned.

"Yes actually, he's in my office right now. He transferred from another facility to this one, a rookie, but he's really good, a funny kid too" Andrea now looked at the window that was in his office, Lando could see a figure sitting in a chair, he assumed it was the new guy.

"Well then, might as well introduce us right?" Lando raised an eyebrow.

"Yes of course, follow me" Andrea opened the door and let Lando in first. He couldn't see that well yet since the guy had his back facing the door, but he was well built. Broad shoulders, wide back, he was wearing cargo pants and a black t-shirt, typical. Lando could see his muscles poking out, he had brown wavy hair that looked very good from the back. Lando was excited to meet him.

"Oscar, meet your new partner Lando, Lando meet Oscar, your new rookie teammate for this case" Andrea said.

The boy turned around, he looked young, maybe even too young to be this skilled, considering mclaren were the best fbi agents out there.

"Hi, m'Lando, otherwise known as number 4 here" Lando extended his hand.

"Oscar, 81" the other answered, shaking Lando's hand, he had an accent, an aussie Lando guessed.

"What? 81 years of age or?" Lando joked.

Oscar scoffed, rolling his eyes, a small smile appeared on his lips.

"No, 81 people i've killed" He bit back.

Lando smiled, they should get along just fine.

"Well then, it seems like you two will be fine, I'll leave you to it, Lando show him around the headquarters and then meet me in the meeting room for your mission in about 30 minutes. Got it?" Andrea questioned.

"Yup, got it" Lando replied.

"Lovely" Andrea said and left the office.

Now that they were alone in the room Lando had the opportunity to get a closer look at Oscar and get to know him more. He was pretty, he had brown eyes, a lot of moles scattered, well everywhere and his hair did look soft.

"So, wanna tell me why you left the kangaroo country?" Lando asked.

Oscar stared at him, an unimpressed look on his face.

"I left it a while back mate, i went to an english boarding school and all that" He replied.

"Ah, you seem rather young, no?"

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