Fresh Start.

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After the awkward pause following the interruption of their almost-kiss, all three guys - Lando, Oscar, and Logan - found themselves in an uncomfortable silence, their eyes locked in a peculiar triangle. Lando decided to break the ice, addressing the situation with a mix of frustration and humor.

"Nothing other than this bitch almost strangled Oscar to death," Lando mumbled, his finger pointing to the unconscious Barbara on the floor.

Logan's eyes widened in shock, and he shrieked, "She did what?!"

Lando continued, his brow furrowing with concern, "Yeah, so if I hadn't gotten here in time, Oscar might've... God, I don't even want to think about that."

Logan immediately rushed to his best friend's side, his hands checking Oscar over, from his face to his neck and beyond. Lando felt a twinge of jealousy but quickly pushed it aside.

Oscar reassured his friend, "Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks to Lando."

Logan's voice trembled as he turned back to Lando. "Mate, I fucking love you, and I love the universe. God, I love the universe. The timing. What if... what if Lando didn't make it in time?"

Oscar tried to soothe Logan's anxiety, "Hey, hey, Logan, calm down. I'm alive, yeah? It's my job, after all."

The tension in the room began to ease, and the conversation turned to Logan's unexpected arrival. Lando inquired, "So, did you come here for any particular reason or..."

The unspoken words lingered in the air - did you just want to cockblock us? - but Logan clarified, "Oh yeah, uh, Andrea called George. He said that him and Zak rented a practice range for us. So, like, a shooting range, gym, technology room, and all that stuff. We should head there to train and discuss the main plan."

Both Lando and Oscar nodded in agreement. Oscar, ever the voice of reason, said, "Okay then, lead the way." They were ready to focus on the mission at hand, putting the momentary distraction behind them and moving forward.


The team arrived at the practice range just outside the city of Venice, ready to dive into their preparations for the upcoming mission. As they entered the facility, they found themselves surrounded by a labyrinth of high-tech spaces designed for their training and planning.
The gym area was spacious, with gleaming equipment and exercise machines neatly arranged along the periphery. Mirrored walls reflected the dedication of those who had trained here before. Heavyweights sat in orderly rows, benches beckoned for lifting, and cardio machines hummed with potential. The smell of sweat and determination hung in the air, a testament to the countless hours spent honing their bodies.

A set of double doors led to the shooting range, where a series of lanes stretched into the distance. Bullet-riddled targets at the far end of the range bore witness to the skill and precision of those who had trained here. The acrid scent of gunpowder lingered, underscoring the seriousness of their preparations.

Adjacent to the shooting range was the technology room, an oasis of screens, keyboards, and wires. Monitors lined the walls, displaying intricate blueprints, surveillance footage, and encrypted data.. The cool, sterile ambiance contrasted sharply with the gym's vibrant energy.

Further down the corridor, they discovered the lab, a pristine space filled with lab benches, microscopes, and intricate devices. Shelves lined with chemicals, vials, and specimens hinted at the scientific endeavors that took place here. The lab's clinical atmosphere was illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lights, casting a warm and reassuring light.

As the team explored the various sections of the practice range, they began to disperse, each member choosing their area of focus for the day. The facility offered them a myriad of options for training and preparations.

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