It's Over Or Is It?

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"Thank you guys, for all of your work on this mission, you lot should be proud of yourself. No one does it like you 9," Andrea said with a warm smile, his eyes filled with appreciation.

"Yeah, what Andrea said. You guys smash it every time. After all of this, you deserve a break," Zak chimed in, nodding in agreement.

"Soooo no work for a month, yes?" Max asked hopefully, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Two weeks is all you're getting," Zak replied with a more serious tone, though a faint smile lingered on his face.

Max let out an exaggerated sigh, causing everyone to burst into laughter. It was a shared moment of camaraderie and relief.

"Have a nice break, everyone. Me and Zak are going to go now; old man duties await," Andrea said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, like 2 weeks of sleep. My back is killing me," Zak added with a half-serious, half-playful groan.

"You guys have fun; see you in two weeks," Andrea said, giving each team member a friendly tap on the shoulders as a goodbye, while Zak offered them hearty handshakes.

"So...we did that," George mused, turning to address all the guys. "Now what?" he questioned, his expression thoughtful.

"Hmm, I'd say we deserve a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant," Lando suggested with a mischievous grin.

"Does that mean me and Charles get double dinner because we saved yours and Max's lives?" Oscar quipped, his playful tone making it clear he wasn't about to let them forget it.

"You're never letting that go, are you?" Lando sighed, gazing at his boyfriend with a mixture of exasperation and affection. Oscar's persistence was endearing.

"Nope," Oscar replied, flashing his signature bunny-like smile, his affection for Lando shining through. The thought of a future together was written all over their faces.

Lando pulled Oscar closer, snaking an arm around his waist, and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Oscar smiled back, his heart warmed by the love and connection they shared.

"Dinner it is, then. Let's go, guys. I'm driving!" George announced enthusiastically, eager to continue the celebration with their close-knit team.


"Mmmm, this is soooo good," Lando moaned with delight, savoring every bite of his meal.

"Indeed it is," Charles agreed, nodding in approval.

"This shrimp is actually delicious," Oscar added, causing Lando to almost drop his fork in shock.

"You ordered seafood?!" Lando exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes?" Oscar replied nonchalantly, popping another shrimp into his mouth.

"I want a divorce," Lando deadpanned, his eyes wide.

"We're not even married," Oscar retorted with a snort, rolling his eyes.

"And we won't be until you get rid of that shrimp," Lando declared, pointing at the offending crustacean.

Oscar, a mischievous glint in his eyes, playfully picked up the shrimp and brought it closer to Lando's mouth, making airplane noises.

Lando shrieked in mock horror, physically pulling back from the approaching shrimp.

"Lando, will you give me a kiss?" Oscar pouted with a puppy-dog expression.

"Get away from me, you endearing man," Lando muttered, but he didn't have the courage to pull away. Oscar took that as his cue to plant a big, fat kiss on Lando's cheek.

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