The Mission.

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When Oscar woke up the next morning Lando was nowhere to be seen, he reached for his phone on the nightstand and noticed a note stuck to it. The note read, "Brb, went out to get the costumes :)" Oscar let out a sigh, realizing that Lando had left.

However, the memories of the previous night came rushing back, like a tidal wave of emotion. The touch of Lando's hand under his chin, the intensity in his gaze, and the words he had spoken about trust weighed heavily on Oscar's mind. He frowned as he recalled the moment when Lando had pulled away and started apologizing.

The complex mix of emotions from the night before was still fresh, and Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and uncertainty about how to navigate this uncharted territory in their relationship.

Oscar's sigh conveyed a sense of resignation as he got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom for a shower. He decided to follow Lando's lead and pretend that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred between them. The complex emotions and unspoken tension from the previous night still lingered in the air, but for the time being, Oscar chose to keep them hidden beneath the surface, focusing on the mission ahead.

When he got out of the shower, towel around the waist, water dripping down Oscar did not expect for Lando to be back already. Lando was sitting on the bed, scrolling on his phone with the costumes laid out next to him. When he looked up and saw Oscar, there was an audible swallow.

"Good morning," Lando greeted, his smile somewhat strained as he tried to ignore Oscar's lack of clothes.

"Morning," Oscar mumbled, heading over to the dresser.

Lando, feeling a sense of unease, attempted to make amends. "I ordered room service for you, for breakfast," he said.

Oscar acknowledged the gesture with a curt, "Oh, thanks," still avoiding eye contact.

Lando, however, couldn't help but notice the tension in the room and decided to address it. "You okay?" he questioned.

Oscar turned around to face Lando, clothes in hand. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he replied, his expression guarded.

Lando hesitated, searching for the right words. "I don't know, you... seemed a bit off."

Oscar forced a smile and attempted to dispel the awkwardness. "I'm fine, Lando, seriously," he assured him before turning away and heading back to the bathroom to change. The tension between them still lingered, but for now, Oscar chose to keep his emotions and thoughts to himself, focusing on the mission ahead and maintaining a sense of professionalism.

As Oscar returned to the bedroom after changing, he found a plate of food waiting for him on the bed. He sat down and picked up the plate, offering a mumbled "Thanks" to Lando, who nodded in response.

Oscar took a bite of his scrambled eggs before breaking the silence by asking about their plans for the day. Lando explained, "Nothing much for the day. At 6 pm, we should be heading to the mansion, but before that, just lay low, I guess."

Oscar nodded, and they once again fell into a comfortable silence.

Lando, perhaps wanting to alleviate the lingering tension, proposed showing Oscar the costumes – or more accurately, suits. Oscar, with a mouthful of food, agreed with a simple "Sure."

Lando unzipped the bags to reveal plain black suits with ghostface masks.

"Simple, I like it," Oscar said, smiling. Lando's return smile indicated that the atmosphere between them was gradually easing.

"You should see Daniel's, my guy dressed as a cowboy with the hat and boots and everything" Lando mumbled, making Oscar burst out laughing. The laughter was so infectious that it nearly sent his scrambled eggs flying off the bed. Thankfully, Lando was quick to prevent any breakfast mishap.

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