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Everyone gathered into the technology room, taking a seat. "Alright guys, time to discuss the plan now, for tomorrow," George said as he entered the room, holding a paper in his hands. The room fell into a hushed silence, and all eyes turned towards him.

"So, as we already planned out," George began, "Daniel, Max, and Charles will walk in through the main entrance. Lando and Oscar, you'll need to sneak in."

Lando raised an eyebrow, a look of curiosity on his face. "Wait, but if we're all wearing masks, why can't we go through the entrance as well?"

George shook his head and clarified, "They ask you to take off the masks at the front gate. After that, you can wear them as much as you want. That's why you two can't go through the entrance. We need you to get inside without being seen, and once you're in, you can blend in with the crowd."

The room filled with nods of understanding as the team absorbed the details of their plan."I'm also thinking of letting Logan go with both of you, and maybe Pierre too, just in case for backup," George suggested. "Once inside, everyone splits up. I need Logan to place a few cameras here and there so that Alex and I have better access to everything inside the mansion. The two of us will stay in the van with Zak and Andrea."

Lando and Oscar exchanged glances, considering the new additions to the plan.

Lando spoke up, "Alright, that makes sense. Logan and Pierre, you're with us for the entry. Once inside, we'll split up and rendezvous at the designated locations to secure the cameras. Let's make sure we have clear communication at all times." Logan and Pierre nodded.

"While all of you were busy with training and what not, me and Alex found something. It's a hidden room in Carlos' bedroom. There's a bookshelf between the bathroom door and the TV screen, basically you can like- move the bookshelf and you will find a hidden door behind it. Oscar and Lando, I'm going to need the both of you to go check out the room. It shouldn't be locked, but it might be guarded, so you two will need to come up with a plan." George explained, pulling out the blueprint and showing everyone where the room is located.

"Daniel, Max, and Charles," Alex began, "You three need to observe really carefully. Listen in on conversations that might be about drug dealing or any kind of useful information about Carlos. After that, Daniel, you need to split up from the others and go chat with any guests there. Try to see if they know anything. Pretend to be clueless and engage in innocent conversations, like you're just another partygoer." The aussie nodded.

"Pierre and Logan," George instructed, "you two need to monitor phone calls or messages related to drug transactions. If the opportunity arises, attempt to hack into communication devices or networks. The digital aspect of this operation is just as important as what's happening on-site."

"Lando and Oscar," Alex directed, "after you search the room, analyze any financial records or transactions that may lead to the drug dealer's accounts or assets. Look for connections to money laundering. Oscar, I know you can easily hack into their system."

This task would require careful analysis of financial documents and the ability to trace money flows, potentially uncovering the drug dealer's financial activities.

George added, "Also, everyone, keep them on their toes. Create distractions or diversions to keep the partygoers busy while focusing on your primary objectives. Pull a prank, distract the bodyguards, and try to take as much of them out as you can without being too noticeable."

These diversions and distractions were essential for maintaining a low profile while carrying out their respective tasks, preventing partygoers and security from becoming suspicious. It was a well-rounded approach to ensure that the team could collect the information they needed without drawing unwanted attention.

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