First Party of the School Year

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I walked to Kayla's room which is right down the hall from mine. The majority of students on my floor is white students. It kind of makes me feel out of place, but I know that I'm as good as anyone else here. Being around other black students who could relate to me, and we could honestly unite, was something that I wanted. I can't wait to meet other black people. It would honestly make me feel quite better in my opinion. Once I made it to her door, I knocked as I heard music being played from the other side of the door.

Seems like I'm not the only one who like to listen to trap music. "Who is it?" I could hear her soft voice say on the other side.

"It's me Destiny." She unlocked the door as I was greeted with my brownskin friend with a medusa tattoo on her thigh, shorts and a tank top on, with a smile on her face.

"Hey girl, I was just about to come to your room." Kayla moved to the side as I walked in her room. Everything is set up so nicely.

"Hey, I just came by to see what you were doing." I responded with. I watched as she locked the door and went over to her desk to feed her pet goldfish.

"Nothing for real. I got here a couple of days ago, so I was able to finish putting my room together before you got here. You can sit on the bed if you want." I took my shoes off as I went to sit down, and honestly her bed is very comfortable. I got a mattress topper for my bed, so she most likely got her one as well. Makes me can't wait to get back in my bed after this.

"Lucky you, man I was up till late as fuck finishing my room. I didn't wake up till around 11 something." She came near the bed as she sat down and got on her phone.

"Girl, I'm surprised you didn't wake up earlier. The people on this floor were being loud as fuck around 8 in the morning. I was tired as hell, but they woke me up." I heard her roommate go in the bathroom as we chilled on the bed.

"If this is how the school year is going to be, I don't know if I'll make it. Is this your first year here?" She put her phone down as she looked at me.

"This is my first year here, but I'm technically not a freshman. Some credits that I took from my last school, didn't transfer. So unfortunately, In Central's eyes I'm a freshman." Man, I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me. That's honestly fucked up and a waste of her time, plus money.

"That's fucked up. How come you didn't stay at the last school you attended?" My phone suddenly vibrated with a message of a person from the past.

"Girl, life hit me like anyone else. I'm here now so I might as well make the best of it."

"You're right about that." I looked down at my phone as I read the message.

Don't Answer: "Hey." I pondered on responding. He's saved in my phone as don't answer for a reason. What could we possibly talk about now? I honestly planned on forgetting about him. Well.... at least I tried to.

"Anyway, do you know if there's any parties going on tonight?" I asked because quite frankly, I'm ready to go outside tonight.

"Yeah, it's one happening tonight at Campus Creek at 10 pm." My interest peeked, but I've never heard of this Campus Creek before. It sounds like some white shit.

"What's Campus Creek?"

"It's an apartment complex where all the guys be. Football players, guys in fraternity's, etc. From what I heard; they host the best parties." I love the combination of niggas, alcohol, and weed. I took a deep breath as I exhaled.

"Do you mind if I go with you? I want to get out of the dorm and have some fun."

"Me and you both. You can most definitely go. I'm going with my friend who stays in Cramer. That's the dorm right across from Bond on this side." She said as she pulled out her phone.

"What's your number? I'm getting ready at 7 and then leaving at 10 to head to her place. You can meet us at her dorm and then we'll drive to Campus Creek."

"Ok." I said as I gave her my number. After that, we said goodbye as I walked back to my room. I'm honestly so damn nervous. This is going to be my first party ever and on top of that, it's a college party. I'm going to meet so many niggas there. My roster is going to be full tonight man. Once I made it to my room, I unlocked my door as I locked it once I got inside. I hung my key on the ring light as I put on some hand sanitizer. Then put my hand sanitizer on my desk.

My stomach started growling and my throat felt so dry. I really need to eat something. Going in my fridge, I grabbed out my half carton of milk. I'm in the mood for cereal, so I grabbed the Captain Crunch box from off my floor. Grabbing a plastic bowl from the rack, I made my bowl of cereal as I sat down on my bed. After some thinking, I decided to respond to his message.

Me: "Wassup." I shook my head as I sent the message. I decided to give him up after what happened earlier in the month, but obviously he didn't get the hint. I put my phone down on the bed as I finished eating my cereal. After I was done eating, I poured the milk out in the bathroom toilet, then threw the bowl away in the trash can. I know it's only my second day here, but I see why people say to make friends while you're in college.

I'm cool with hanging by myself though. The only person I have is me anyway. Grabbing my laptop and phone, I went to Netflix as I looked for something to watch. My phone vibrated and it's a message from him.

Don't Answer: "How've you been? You good?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm good." I just decided on watching Colombiana.

Don't Answer: "Ok, what are you doing?"

Me: "Watching a movie on Netflix."

He stopped responding and I eventually fell asleep while the movie played.

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