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Upon the soft sand of the beach, a little girl no older than four danced playfully in the gentle breeze, clutching her tattered white dress and hat and letting her laughter ripple through the air. She cast her gaze around as her mother, barefoot and yellow sandals in hand, stood behind her, gazing fondly at her child as she bathe in the warmth of the sun and the serenity of the sea.

"Mommy!" the bright and cheery girl called excitedly while running towards the woman she lovingly addressed as her mother, her arms outstretched for embracing.

The pleasant laughter of her daughter mingled with the tranquil sound of the waves and wind, bringing forth a heart-warming smile to the brunette, as she took in every cherished moment with joy and pleasure, cherishing the experience like she would a sweet and treasured memory.

As the warm and blissful breeze of youth filled the senses of a young girl, she indulged herself in foolish notions and dreams, longing to remain forever in that cherished moment, frozen in time. Yet, those desires would ultimately be dismissed along with the fogginess of her past, as she stepped foot into the confines of the Alpheus house and moved into an entirely different phase of her life.

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The joyous family of three laughed and enjoyed a hearty lunch together onboard a boat, their spirits filled with joy and their hearts full of warmth. It was a moment to remember forever. With his daughter seated by his side, the dark-haired father performed a set of magical tricks, mesmerizing the young girl with his skill. Yet, the mother could only gaze at the sweet and precious moment with a gentle smile, for she knew very well that all good things must eventually come to an end.

How cruel this world is

As the girl was snapped out of her daydream by the sound of her name, the harsh and cruel realities of life quickly set in. She looked around her, yet the surrounding only reminded her of her dream, for her eyes had seen the vibrant and lively scene that had been ingrained in her mind, yet all that now met her gaze were the bleak and lifeless surroundings. Even the plants seemed to have lost their colors along with the spark of life, a stark contrast to the vibrant and cozy world that lived in her mind.

It was a difficult year for the family, but the girl found strength within herself and fought tooth and nail. She refused to let circumstances dictate her future and would not give up. After all, if she was at her lowest, what hope would the Empire have? She was their future, and only she could lead them to brighter days ahead.

She made the decision for the greater good she will continue on and try to be happy like the old times

She understood that the decision she was making was for the greater good and decided to set her past aside, to not be chained by it, but to keep moving forward, to try and maintain a joyful outlook on life. Like the old times, she intended to find happiness within herself once more, even though it would be difficult, she would not allow her circumstances to keep her down.

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The two girls, so alike and yet so different, had drastically different life trajectories, having taken different decisions and facing different outcomes, which formed the very fabric of their unique individualities. Fate itself seemed to have decided on their paths in life, yet they too had the power to change and determine their own future. As fate continued to decide on their journey in life, the question remained, would it continue to do so for the two girls? Would the cycle of the past persist in their story? Only time would tell how their future would play out.

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Author's note:

◈The beach and yellow sandals scene were inspired by Billy and his mom(Stranger Things), rest in peace Billy, you are missed
◈Question 1; How do you like the prologue?
◈Question 2; Why do you think Amadora's life is going to change?
◈Without needing to do much thinking these point of view s are from Amadora and Amarantha
◈Honestly feel sad for Amarantha for how she already took the burden of the empire on her shoulders at like 5(Amadora and Amarantha are the same age, amara is just a few months older)
◈I honestly don't like Amadora's name, I don't know what nickname to give her and calling her Dora is just not it

That's it, thank you for reading

-Tdencw signing off

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