the restaurant: Part 3

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me and Lilly are now walking into the restaurant when i see the band sitting at the table, so we both walk over.

S-hey. T- hey scarlett. B- hi im bill toms twin brother. S- really? you guys have such different styles. L- hi im lilly. B-hi, i love your style . L- thank you i love your style aswell. S- wheres the two others?. T- they had something else to do . W- hi are you guys ready to order?. T- yea i am are you guys?. S- yea .L- yea . B-yep .

they all order there food, when tom walks outside to smoke a cigarette scarlett follows him while bill and lilly are talking .

T- so what brang you to the concert. S- lilly brang me she has been wanting to go for sometime so i said ill go with her. T- so are you a fan or?. S- well not really your music is just not my style. T- so you don't like rock music ?.S- no not really . T- i think you're the first person to tell me you don't like rock music. S- what can i say it's not my style. S- wanna go back into the restaurant before our food goes cold?. T- yea sure.

they both walk back into the restaurant .

S- this food looks amazing . T- i know right.

time jump

we all finished our food, so we are all walking back to our cars .

S- thanks for inviting us. T- no problem . T-do you have any plans tomorrow?. S-no i don't think so why?. T- there is this party tomorrow if you wanna go with me?. S- yea sure what time?.T-whats your number ill text you the time.

scarlett and tom exchange numbers while bill and lilly are waiting for them by the car, scarlett says bye to bill and tom, she then gets in the car with lilly and goes home.

thanks for dropping me home lils. your welcome see you later. see you later.

scarlett goes into her house and goes to bed


the boy band ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now