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Kanao was sitting there at the table peacefully, dressed in her normal uniform, white haori and all... Except for the purple flower pinned to the pink tie on her haori. 


Nezuko turned in shock. 

Aoi emerged from the kitchen, "Awhhh, Kanao, what do I do? I'm not done with dinner- the taiyaki isn't stuffed yet, the sushi isn't rolled yet, and I don't have hardly enough sakura mochi!" Aoi exclaimed, holding a tray of pink mochi wrapped in green leaves that reached over her head. 

Nezuko felt like someone just hit her in the head. But Aoi was her friend, and she was determined to help. Aoi put the tray on the table and sighed, nervous. Nezuko put her hands on Aoi's shoulders. "HMMM!" Nezuko said, trying to hype her up. She pumped one fist in determination. 

"Nezuko, I appreciate the sentiment, but I-"

"MNPH." Nezuko's eyes flashed. She hurried off to the kitchen and viewed the mess Aoi had left behind. Kiyo was (poorly) rolling sushi, Naho was (awfully) stuffing the taiyaki, and Sumi needed to be taken FAR away from the mochi forming. 

Kanao and Aoi appeared behind her. "Nez-" Aoi attempted, but Nezuko stopped beside Kiyo and grabbed a sushi roll and strip of seaweed wrap. She recalled her mother once making them, but not ever again because Shigeru was so picky. She looked down. Kiyo. Shigeru. Nezuko rolled her hands over Kiyo's, guiding them over the sushi. 

Kanao watched Nezuko assist the little one and seemed empowered to do the same. She approached Naho nervously and took her little thumbs and pressed them in the right places on the desserts. The bean paste was everywhere, all over Naho and Kanao, but she was trying. 

Aoi stopped and sighed. "Thanks, you guys." She simply said, walking over to Sumi to assist her as well. 

Once enough sushi was made, Nezuko turned to Kanao and saw the red bean paste on her face and laughed under her muzzle. Kanao lifted an eyebrow, confused. Nezuko took her brown haori sleeve and rubbed Kanao's cheek. 

Kanao looked at Nezuko's sleeve, now stained with bean paste, and smiled. "Thank you very much." She nodded. 

When the Hashira arrived, everything was perfect. Sure, some flower and bean paste was dappling Kanao and Naho. Sure, rice and seaweed were littered on Nezuko and Kiyo. Sure, Aoi and Sumi had pink mochi under their fingernails. But it was worth it. And it was all thanks to Nezuko.

Sitting at the table, Aoi passed the two some towels. Nezuko and Kanao cleaned off their faces, and Nezuko swiped over Kiyo's nose with it helpfully. Mama. Nezuko thought back fondly. Mama would be proud of me. 

Tanjiro sat on the other side of Nezuko, excited. 

Mr. Rengoku and Ms. Kanroji came in, and happily hugged Shinobu. Ms. Kanroji's jaw dropped and her eyes sparkled when she looked at the steep tray of sakura mochi made just for her. Some of them were lopsided or lumpy, but it didn't seem to matter. 

They sat down at the table across from Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao, and Aoi. The comely Kanao was looking off to the right, not really paying attention as Mr. Tomioka entered the mansion. He looked a little awkward about where to sit, but Tanjiro immediately rose his arms in welcome. Mr. Tomioka sat beside him. 

Nezuko's eyes flashed happily. "MHHM!" She happily mumbled, waving to Mr. Tomioka, whom she had missed and genuinely enjoyed seeing. Tanjiro told her he was the one who sacrificed a lot for them, and she was thankful. 

Lady Shinobu sat down at the head of the table beside Rengoku and Tomioka on either side. "I'm so glad you all could come!" Shinobu gestured to the table, "Thanks to Aoi, we've got a delightful spread of dinner and desserts, free to pick from. The flower vases are courtesy of Kanao and Nezuko, who spent some time yesterday picking them." 

"Ah, Miss Shinobu," Aoi asked softly from down the table. 

"Hm?" Shinobu inquired. 

"Nezuko did a lot of the sushi, and the taiyaki wouldn't have been finished without Kanao. They both helped me out a lot." Aoi smiled, something she rarely did. 

"Oh, that's wonderful. Thank you both so much." Shinobu clapped, "Let's dig in to all this wonderful food!" 

Ms. Kanroji finished three bowls almost immediately, then four more- and then seven- they just kept stacking up. Now Nezuko understood why Aoi was so upset earlier; she wanted to make so much food to please everyone. Nezuko wanted to pat her head. That always make Inosuke and her little siblings feel better. 

The Hashiras eat in peace and the night comes to a close. Mr. Rengoku tells Tanjiro that he's excited to go on their mission the next morning, and to get a lot of sleep. Mr. Tomioka and Ms. Kanroji left, but not before Ms. Kanroji expressed her joy and appreciation of the food to Aoi. 

Kanao walked down the empty hallway, looking tired but content. Nezuko hurried after her. Hearing the footsteps on down the wooden hallway, Kanao turned. 

Nezuko took one of Kanao's hands in her own and nodded, "Hmm!", trying to tell Kanao to have a goodnight. 

"Goodnight aswell, Nezuko." Kanao nodded back. She hesitated to take her hand out of Nezuko's, but eventually did walk away. Nezuko felt stars in her eyes; she loved it when Kanao said her name. Nezuko saw her retreat into her room before scurrying off to find Tanjiro. 

Slow Burn - Kanao x Nezuko - GirlxGirl - KanaNezu - NezuKanaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora