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Eunha's POV

It's a sunny morning, so I decided to take a walk for a couple of minutes around our subdivision. This is the only time that I have since I'm always busy with my schedule.

Sorry for not mentioning it. I'm a full-time fashion designer, and my boutique is located a few streets away from our subdivision. Most of my customers were idols and well-known celebrities. I feel so happy whenever they trust my work and receive so much praise from my clients.

This week, I'm currently working on the suits for a 7-member boy group. I've never met them personally, and I'm still confused about who they are because I don't have any chance to get to know them. I'm not really a fan after all.

But their style and taste in fashion are kind of interesting. Their manager sent me an attachment online about their detailed preferences, and I got to see their characters by how they want their suits to be done.

While I'm still in the pool of my thoughts, someone accidentally bumped me, making me fall to the ground.

"Ouch!" I said while touching my butt because of the impact.

"Sorry," said the man who is currently gasping for breath, and sweat is obvious all over his face.

He looked at me, and I was almost lost in my thoughts.

He's beautiful. Everything about his visuals is perfect! I have never seen a guy with this kind of beauty—you name it all!

I was being interrupted when he placed his hand, giving help. I'm in a very awkward situation, and I'm still arguing with myself about whether I'm going to take it or not.

"Hurry!" he said, and grabbed my right hand instead.

"Are you good at running?" he asked, making me confused at the moment.


"Well, let's run!" Then, grabbing my hand, he started running, and my feet did the same. I'm not a good runner, and I hate it, and he must be good at this, but the good thing is, I feel alright running.

"Look, guuuysss! He's there! He's running! Come on! Kyaaaah!" a loud voice with a squeal caught my attention. The second time I look at the back, there are lots of girls running too; maybe they want to catch up with our pace.

"Wa-wait! Why are they chasing you? Are they your girlfriends?" No offense meant by they look like this guy broke their hearts, and now he'll probably be a dead meat once they catch us.

"Hahaha, let's just say that; we'll be in the middle of a controversy once they catch us, so you better run faster!" Then he turned left and got us inside a building. "Kyaaaah! Where is he? Guys, did you see him?"

"No! I'm currently wondering who's the girl he's running with. Are they dating?"

"Who cares about the girl? We let go of this opportunity to meet him!"

"Maybe they went there. Let's get going, everyone!"

And by that, I guess they're gone.

Hoooo, that's the fastest run in my entire life. I'm tired! Woooo

"Here, have some water," he offered—bottled water. He opened it first, then gave it to me.

"Thanks!" I took it, still gasping for breath. I almost drank half of it when I realized he was staring at me.


"Umm, do you have any water?" I asked him.

But instead of answering me, he took the bottle from me and drank the water.


Was that...

Should I consider that an indirect kiss? o////o

No, no, no! Stop it, brain! Stoooooop. o/////o

When he realized what he had done, he stopped for a moment and smirked.

Wait, what's with that smirk? Huh?

"Are you interested in me?" he suddenly asked.

"Eh?! You? Ha-ha-ha! That's too funny. This is the first time I saw someone like you. Don't think too much, okay" I said, but deep inside, I'm somewhat interested. Like 10%? Okay 20%!

Fine 25%!

But I saw a surprised look on his face. Why would he be surprised, then?

"Are you sure that you're not interested? Impossible!" he said. Wow, too much of his confidence.

"Yeah! Are you that famous for me to be interested?"

"We'll see then."

Then he suddenly cupped my face, and his face was near mine, leveling our eyes. I could feel my heartbeat racing inside of me. This is new to me.

What does this mean?

"I hope you can't forget my face."

He stepped back and smiled again, then left me inside the building.

What was that? What was all of that?

What was it again? Eunha... I think I need to congratulate you because you're now in love with a running stranger!

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