I Need U

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? As in, what again?"

"Your sister, Tiffany Hwang, forgot to pay your school fees and dorm fee for almost two months. Do you still want to continue studying here at Dongguk High or do you want the school to kick you because of your balance?"

"I can't believe this. Why would she forget to pay my school expenses? Fine! I'll try to find a way. But please give me more months here; I'm graduating soon. Why can't you be considerate?"

"Fine Hwang Sinb. Last warning. You're lucky enough that you're in the special section and your sister is a notable alumna of this institution. Go back now."

Sinb went back to her dorm, dialing her sister.

"Hi, sis. How are you?"

"Unnieeee! Are you having a hard time right now?"

"Huh? What are you saying, little sis? I'm good. Doing fine! Why?"

"The school admin talked to me earlier, and she said that I have a balance and you forgot to pay it for almost two months, and my dorm also. How can you forget that? Is everything okay?"

"Oops. Sorry, my little sis, I thought I already paid it last month. I'm sorry, you're having a hard time. But to tell you honestly, we're in the midst of bankruptcy."

"Whaaat? B-b-bankruptcy? Why?"

"He he he, my fault. I invested in this new friend, and half of my savings are already invested in the business I thought we're co-owning, not knowing that it is a scam. I'm really sorry, my Sinb."

"So it means that you cannot pay my expenses here?"

"I can... but not with your dorm fee. Well, if you want to pay for your dorm fee, I can recommend a good friend who can offer a part-time job for you. Will that be okay?"

"Phew. I think we don't have any option. Just remember that I am not good at cooking or babysitting because of my attitude, okay? Can you give me the details?"

"Oops, I need to hang up now, lil sis. Don't worry, I'll message it to you. Gotta go now. Bye and take care," Sinb sighed at their conversation.

They're in a crisis right now, and she needs to help her sister. It's a good thing that she can help her in any way, but she doesn't know what's ahead of her.

Minutes later, her phone vibrates, receiving a message from her sis.

"Jessica Jung. 02782899. Big Source Village. She can help you."

Upon reading it, she dialed the number immediately, and someone answered it.

"Hello, this is Jessica."

"Umm, hello, uh, this is Sinbi Hwang. I am Tiffany's sister."

"Oh Sinbi, yeah, I know you. Tiff is a good friend of mine. She told me everything, and you need to pay your dorm fee. I can help you with that. Would you mind coming here to our house?"

"Ha, I mean, sure sure. Thank you very much. I'm on my way."

She arrived at Jung's residence and pressed the doorbell. A voice coming from the mini speaker near the doorbell suddenly asked her.

"Your name, please?"

"Ah, Sinb, Sinbi Hwang."

Then the gates opened, and she was amazed by how big and aesthetically great their vintage-inspired house was just by looking at the gate.

Suddenly, Jessica appeared at the front door, approaching her.

"Come inside, Sinbi. Let's have some snacks first." Being welcomed, Sinbi followed Jessica to the back entrance, which is their large patio. Varieties of cakes and juice were being served on the table.

"Take a seat. I know how far our house is. Go on, don't be shy," Jessica said, taking her first bite.

"Oh, yummy. This is good!"

"Really? Glad you like it. I baked it."

"Wow. Thank you."

"About the part-time. I hope you'll last with this one. Actually, it's not that hard considering that you're still a student, but it can exhaust everything in you."

"Wait, are you saying that... it's illegal? Omo! Are you going to recruit me to some pervs and... no no no no. I'm quitting..."

"No! What are you talking about? Hahaha, how can you think it that way? It's just simple; pretend to be my brother's girlfriend and you won't have any problems. Is that okay?"

"Huh? Pretending to be your brother's girlfriend? I mean, is it real? Seriously? Does my sister know this?"

"Oh, Tiffany? She'll know if you're going to tell her, and she has no problems with that. She even wants you to have a boyfriend. Nice, right?"


"About the money? I will handle your dorm fee, plus you will get an allowance from this. Just pretend to be his girlfriend for... a month?"

"Make it 2 months or whenever I need someone to pretend to be my girlfriend," a voice coming from my back said, and I am frozen at the moment.

That voice... Could it be?

"Wow, you're already here, Hobi. Perfect timing!" and she stood up to greet her brother while I couldn't even glance at him. Of all the people on Earth, why...

"Sinbi, this is my brother, Hoseok, but I call him Hobi. Hobi, she is Tiffany Hwang's sister, Sinbi."

"Which I called Eunbi before."

This. is. really. getting. super. ultra. mega. AWKWARD!

Mother Earth, open up and swallow me now! I'm being serious!

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