Episode 4: Western Energy(Feat.Pedro Pascal)

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A divorce is NEVER an easy thing to go through. Sometimes, it can be caused by mutual reasons. Sometimes, it's caused by seeing that there is no love between two individuals anymore. Other times......it can be more than that. Unfortunately, for a(for now) married Goetia couple, the divorce is a little bit more......toxic.

In Imp City, Stolas was at a place called the Richest Cup Cafe, with its motto being, "where the poor pour for you!"

At a table, he was sitting across from Stella and her brother, Andrealphus. Both Stolas and Stella were sipping tea and glaring at each other while the ice peacock looked on

"Stolas." Stella said.

"Stella." Stolas said back.

Both Goetias sipped on tea before Stella spoke up again.

"C*nt." Stella insulted.

"Witch." Stolas insulted back.

Andrealphus groaned at the two's bickering. It was almost like seeing two nobles start acting like bratty kids.

Stella slammed her hands on the table and got up, "FUCKISH. IMP. SUCKER!" she hollered. Stolas just sipped on his tea, undetered from her insults.

"Why did you insist on meeting me here?" the prince asked. He glanced at his phone which had a text that said, "Reminder: Deal Ozzie's set."

"Ahem!" Andrealphus cleared his throat to get Stolas' attention, "We wanted to properly discuss the terms of this divorce. I feel my darling sister deserves a bit more...compensation." He added.

Stolas looked at both the marquis and Stella, who gave off a smirk, "After all, you did CHEAT on the poor thing. Surely, you owe-" the marquis added before Stolas interrupted him whilst giving him a deadpanned look.

"Andrealphus, cheating implies there was a betrayal. This woman never gave two shits about me or our very much arranged "marriage". She also didn't hesitate to give Shao Khan the "go ahead" to kill me and Octavia. As far as I'm concerned, this divorce is far overdue." Stolas informed.

The Imp server went to refill his cup of tea, but the Goetian prince motioned to declined. The server then looked out the window to see a hellhorse racing towards the cafe.

"Up yours!" Stella snarled, flipping Stolas off.

"Stellaaa." Andrealphus groaned, facepalming, "for fuck's sake, stop making this harder to bullshit!"

It was then they heard a galloping sound. Stella had an evil smirk on her face, causing Stolas to tilt his head in confusion. And then he jumped when he heard the window break behind him. He looked behind him and saw a familiar cowboy Imp.

The cowboy from the Harvest Moon Festival gave a toothy grin and a sort of alligator-esque hissing sound as he removed his poncho and twirled two angelic revolvers in his hand. It was Striker.

The cowboy Imp fired at Stolas when he shapeshifted to his demonic form to dodge the bullet with it hitting the window near his head. Stolas saw that Stella was grinning evilly at him.

Striker fired more shots at the prince after one hit his hat. He turned back into his demon form to fly towards the exit, until a blur tripped him onto his backside.

"Wow." A miffed voice said, "360 degree vision of an Owl and you couldn't see me coming. This speed is something else."

Stolas looked up to see a human wearing all gray clothing, including a jacket, with long black hair, swords that looked like hooks and a weird looking mask that made a beeping sound every time he took a breath. His skin also looked like he came straight out of a furnace with how burnt it looked.

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