Episode 5: Unhappy Campers

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The elevator door opened and M&M were ready for another day of slaughter. Thanks to the Sloth Ring, the rest of the I.M.P crew were healed quickly after their battle with Striker and Kabal. It's safe to say that the battle wasn't even close to being easy to win over. The fact they had to deal with Striker was already bad news enough, but to deal with someone that's just as skilled as a fighter AND has super speed is something the crew must keep a close eye on. Not many could go toe-to-toe with Hanzo, but Kabal made it incredibly difficult to challenge. Now with his worries on the rise, Blitzø ordered Hanzo to guard Stolas until the Goetia Prince was fully healed. Hanzo, of course, was worried that the rest of the I.M.P crew might still need his assistance, but assured him that they had everything under control.

After the two entered their HQ, a client sat down in a chair. He was a tall aquatic sinner demon with a torn short white shirt and a green piece of a yin-yang symbol as a necklace. He had gray skin, finned fingers, and dark-teal long hair that looked like seaweed. He had dark long pants, dark shoes and his chest glowed teal blue and watery. One of his eyes glowed neon green and his teeth sharp glowed as well.

"Oh. Hello there." Moxxie said awkwardly as they didn't expect a client this early into the day.

The demon then looked at the married Imp couple.

"Yo." He said, "I'm here to put an hit on someone."

Before either of the two could say anything, Blitzø shoved open the door to the I.M.P. office, a grumpy look on his face. His face was muddy and his clothes were dirty and torn, with lavender-colored leaves from bushes. Moxxie and Millie had been talking to a client at their desk when all three froze to stare at Blitzø.

"Sir, what happened to you?" Millie wondered out loud.

Blitzø slouched past the Hel-9000 fax machine printer and past the picture with a stick figure Blitzo with a gun and a pink pony.

Moxxie stood up. "Sir! There's a client here who wants to..."

Blitzø ignored him and stomped straight into his office, slamming the door.

Millie chuckled nervously, turning to the visitor. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

"Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me. I'm just not sure which one." He said with a shrug, hands out.

"How could you not know?" Moxxie asked, raising an eyebrow.

The aquatic demon continued. "I was out on the lake when my boat started to sink. Someone had drilled holes in it. The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be one of them."

"Hmm, we don't typically do investigations," said Moxxie, "I'll have to check with the boss."

Moxxie opened Blitzo's door. "Uh, pardon moi, sir."

Blitzø glared at Moxxie as he flipped through address files on a rotary.

"Not now, Mox."

"Sir, there's client that needs us to investigate his death and we don't usually..."

"No tiiime," Blitzø replied.

Moxxie rubbed his neck. "But sir, we really need the cashflow, and I was thinking maybe..."

"What part of 'NO. FUCKING. TIIIIIME.' do you not understand?!" Blitzø yelled, facing Moxxie. "Just handle it yourself."

"You want me to lead? On a hit?"

Blitzo seethed and slammed his hands on the desk. "I swear on all that is evil, Mox, if you aren't out of my office in negative three seconds..."

"Yooou GOT IT, SIR!"

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