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9 Marseilles

It was during a conversation in the German airport departure lounge that Marseille came up in conversation. I was unsure about going having visited this cosmopolitan city previously but did not have any concerns regarding my safety. With the way the group and results had gone It could have been our final European trip that season which was enough to sway me. Jo mentioned a friend who lived in France and had decided to visit her so came separately. It was a few days prior I decided to chance my luck and Email Jo re meeting in Marseille eating and enjoying a look round the city together. As she appeared to enjoy that kind of activity and I figured that roaming around as I had to say "as friends" would be safer and more enjoyable than on our own. With a bit of investigation, I sought out a few ideas of places to visit figuring that as we had little time simple and close was best.

From her reply she was quite pleased to accept the invitation. It was warm and delightful so agreement in principle with no firm arrangement just a meet you at the hotel when we are both there. The drive to the airport and flight went much as planned landing safely on the dusty strip and viewing again through the port hole windows the white building that seemed to always feature at foreign airports.

As I boarded the coach to take us from the airport, I had a few butterflies and feelings of anxiety although I did not cross my fingers. Laura was bubble and happy as the coach proceeded on it was. Along the harbour area hundreds nay thousands of our fans had already arrived enjoying what appeared to be a bright midday seated in the bars, Walking the pathway that on a future trip Jo and myself were to enjoy a stroll along was a group of stewards known to Laura. Best behaviour she cried, and probably waved at them who acknowledged her in return. They had come with Thomas Cook or the enemy as they are better known. The water looked clear and bright and at the time there was no hint of the blustery weather or cold night. I was suffering with a traditional December cold. Like most of my colds, they start with a sore throat followed by blocked nose and sniffles. Eventually I am constantly coughing no matter how much medicine I take they do not go away. This was no different and I suffered with it right up and beyond the Xmas period.

It was a grand hotel we were staying in and wisely I departed quickly and was one of the first into my single occupied room. I hurried probably more than I needed changed into a shirt and then strolled downstairs. No Jo so I looked outside where the wind was beginning to take its toll returning, I enquired for a room number which I didn't need. As I proceeded towards the bar area, she was waiting for me chatting to a fellow traveller. A polite greeting and exchange of words, we headed out towards the city, although realising how much the cold wind blows it was necessary for me to return for an extra coat. I had unwisely chosen only to wear a solitary shirt which was insufficient. Initially following the Warburton's towards the main food area with the harbour to our left inhabited by yachts of various sizes and shapes we chatted comfortably about our trip. On the city side hotels and bars intermingled with houses and shops were the common view. We crossed over towards them and headed inland discovering that neither of us enjoyed fish we found and enjoyed a Pizza and coke or two. It was a bit nervy sitting opposite each other but in time we became more relaxed despite the darkness inside the pleasant ambiance where we could view a local square and passers-by.

A look around the vicinity included a student's march which reminded Jo of her university days (at Manchester) when she had joined the protests against the Poll tax. I avoid politics as a subject even though I am enthusiastic about it. I would agree with her on the issue but strongly believe that and religion is the quickest way to turn a friend into an enemy. A market stall area with the Xmas theme fascinated both for me the sight of chess boards and specially designed pieces was a major attraction giving me the opportunity to express my interest in the game.

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