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23 Bucharest (Unirea Urziceni)

The Europa league, an equivalent to demotion beckoned for the mighty reds meaning an extra round if we were to get through to the final although on the plus side it offered new places to visit. One thing I was sure of was that Jo would not come to the next away round fixture and probable two as they followed in quick succession. When I spoke to Tony about it I had come to the conclusion that the final was her next probable venture into Europe. With a home tie in mid Feb our next European fixture I realised it would be a matter of days after my own birthday and on Jo's actual birthday although there was a ten-year gap between us in age.

After the draw a distinct but appreciative silence Who? Was the question on every one's lips? Unirea Urziceni the Romanian champions with a ground capacity of 7000 the 27000 capacity Ghencea Boulevard stadium home of Steau Bucharest was to be our host. Great, cheap exciting full of Communist history and the Nicolac Ceausescu area. Memories of his removal from power when TV stations all over the world showed live pictures as he stood on the balcony in total disbelief at the angry crowd below. He escaped by helicopter only to be captured, tried and shot along with his wife on Christmas morning. A fair trial he didn't get!

The morning of the first leg at home I got up late to enjoy the first of two days leave. The blue skies outside soon changed as heavy wet snow began to fall. It was the type that would not settle, and the ground became wet soon it was to change as heavier, faster true snow fell, settling and soon creating a blanket of white on my lawn and roads outside. I witnessed only the tracks of one car go by but as a precaution decided to leave 30 minutes earlier than normal. It turned out to be a wise move as the normal five-minute journey to the A38 became a thirty-minute drudge slowly at snail's pace moving following the vehicle in front with great care even when I was able to move. Getting out of my estate was an adventure as I had to wait patiently for a gap to allow me out and the snow-covered Cap pitch dangerous at the best of times was a sea of slow-moving cars in either direction up or down.

The coach journey late as normal was an anxious trip with a guess the arrival time and would we arrive in time for kick off. With texts exchanged and horror stories of motorway crashes and slow or halted traffic we took the back routes. After being first off, I ran as much as could texting Jo and requesting a cola which she obligingly purchased. A brief meet was ended with minutes to kick off as we headed our separate ways. She was pleased that I had recalled her birthday even though she forgot my own and did not remember mentioning it to me. Tony later was also to text her a birthday wish.

I did receive a kind text from Jo after our goodbye hug and kiss apologising for forgetting my birthday wishing Tony and myself a good trip and saying it was good to see me if only briefly. It pleased me and in the dull stress full day that followed was a source of comfort.

The match was uninspiring, and a narrow one nil lead was all we could muster to take to Romania. Our organised opponents who had come for a nil- nil draw were happy and we had not played well secured what we deserved. With the Romanians probably having to come at us in the second leg I believed we might secure more counterattack goals in Bucharest. Lille or Fenebarche would be our opponents if we succeeded in our ambitions.

Two thirty in the dark hours of the morning prior to the match I waited near junction 14 for Douggie Moreton to arrive. It was not a long wait and slowly I followed him in the dark to his home where I would leave my car. He always drives goes everywhere home away Europe or Uk with the mighty reds and the national team. It was to be my first meeting with his "Fiancé" a surprise to me and many, but I had received a tip off. Mandy was very forth coming introducing herself as his "intended" with a big hug a kiss. Her craggy face gave away a lot that proved later to be correct and I was soon able to glean a lot of information and piece the jig saw together. After deciding what to wear and taking a large bottle from the fridge, wine or possibly gin I believe Douglas was at the helm taking us fast along the lanes known so well by him. Soon we were on the M4 heading towards London stopping at Reading service on route.

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