SPN - Dean Winchester

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Summary: While on a hunting trip with her family, Y/n comes face-to-face with the monster they're after. Will she have the strength to leave the perfectly morphed reality that she's trapped in or will she have to rely on Dean to pull her out?

Pairings: Dean Winchester x Daughter!Reader

Trigger Warnings: None

Requested: No


Your eyes fluttered open upon hearing faint Christmas music coming from downstairs. With a disgruntled groan, you tossed off your covers and got out of bed, shivering as the cold wood floor managed to penetrate your fuzzy socks.

You grabbed the hoodie that had managed to fall into a clump on the floor at some point in the middle of the night and threw it over your head before making your way down into the kitchen. You stood in the doorway for a moment trying to process the noise increase and the sunlight flooding directly onto you.

"Coffee." you thought. "Lots and lots of coffee."

You'd finally made it down the stairs of your childhood home and were met with Christmas decorations instead of Halloween decorations. It was no shock to you, really. Your mother loved Christmas more than anything. Even though she could be a little obnoxious about it at first, you didn't mind it overall. It was a time period that kept her happy for at least two months.

You walked into the kitchen and winced as the jolly music blared in your ears. "Honey! You're up early." Your mom grinned from ear-to-ear as she greeted you. "I'm making pancakes, so your dad ran to the store to get some bacon to go with them."

You stood on your toes and grabbed your favorite mug. "It's all about the coffee right now, mom." You blinked slowly and carefully poured the recently brewed coffee into your cup.

"Coffee stunts your growth, you know." She carefully poured her batter to make her pancakes look like snowmen.

Your body was covered in goosebumps the second the hot liquid slid down your throat. "Mm." You closed your eyes and let the drink warm you.

"Oh, how many pancakes do you want? I've got plenty of mix here." She giggled.

You opened your eyes and noticed your childhood home was no longer bright and festive, but now it was black and charred as if it had been the victim of a fire. The cup you were holding slipped through your fingers and shattered against the floor. You didn't even blink as the hot liquid spilled onto your socks.

"Oh!" You heard your father's voice and everything snapped back to normal as if it had been a strange dream. "Y/n/n, don't move." He tossed the bacon onto the counter and ran to get the broom while your mother dropped to her knees and started to soak up the coffee with a towel.

You looked down at your feet and noticed the coffee spreading. "I'm sorry." You whispered and stumbled back into the counter.

Dean clapped your shoulder. "Hey, accidents happen. Don't sweat it." He flashed a reassuring grin before sweeping up some of the glass.

Your mother dabbed around your feet. "Sweetheart, you may want to change."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Your voice sounded absent.

You went upstairs to your room and changed your socks before sitting down on your bed. You let your fingers run through the blankets that gave you a familiar comfort as you stared blankly at your closet door. Everyone has moments where they don't feel real or that they're living in a simulation once in a while, but you'd never felt it to such an extreme. You couldn't help but question what was going on, but you also had no idea how to get answers without anyone thinking you were crazy.

"Maybe I am crazy." You thought to yourself and let your eyes fill with tears.

At that moment, you heard a gentle knock on your door followed by your dad's voice. "Hey, everything's all cleaned up and breakfast is ready."

Your brows furrowed. You hadn't been out of the kitchen for five minutes, yet your parents had already cleaned up and finished cooking?

You stood up and slowly opened the door. "Dad, where's Sam?"

He chuckled. "Sam and Jess are in New York. You know that."


"Your aunt." He squinted and placed the back of his hand against your forehead. "You feeling okay, kid?"

The second his hand graced your forehead, you remembered what had happened and what your life was really like.

You cowered away from him. "Y/n/n?"

You swallowed hard and whispered. "This isn't real."

Dean took a step forward. "Maybe not." He shrugged. "But it can be." When you looked up at him with a crazed, tearful gaze he elaborated, "Here, you can have the life you deserve. No monsters, no demons..." he gave you a small smile. "You don't have to think that every second we spend together is gonna be one of our last moments. We can have the apple pie life, Y/n/n."

"But...I'll die." You allowed yourself to cry. "I don't wanna die."

He placed a hand on your cheek and brushed away your tears with his thumb. "You can live an entire lifetime here. Get married, have kids of your own, have a life, and you can did young and pretty in the real world. If you go back, you just have to live through fear and pain and loss." He made you look him in the eye. "You wouldn't want that, would you?"

You shook your head. "My dad..."

"He's lived without you before, Y/n/n. It'll hurt for a few days, but then I'll be fine." He sighed and put his hands by his sides. "Besides, you don't know how to get back, so...why stress over it?"

"No, my dad loves me." You stormed out of the house and ran out the door, into the streets in front of a speeding car.

Before you could even anticipate the impact, you woke up with a quiet gasp.

Your body felt weak to the point you could barely keep your eyes open, so you had no idea what was going on. You could feel the ropes stretching your wrists to hold you up and you could see the toes of your shoes barely grazing the dirty concrete beneath you. More importantly, you could hear the familiar fighting grunts coming from your dad and uncle.

A wave of relief washed over you as you realized that you'd beat the Djinn's toxin and made it back to the real world where you had a loving family that would protect you at all costs.

You heard a gag-like sound coming from the monster followed by footsteps running in your direction. "Y/n/n." Your dad cut the ropes and caught you as you practically fell into his arms. "Baby, you okay?" He held you up with one arm so he could hold your face up and look you in the eye.

You smiled weakly. "Yeah. A little tired, but yeah."

His body relaxed and he scooped you up so he was carrying you bridal style. "That's my girl."

Written: November 5, 2023
Edited: TBD

A/N: Yeah, imma have to be one of the "author's note" girlies, but wtv.

This one probably isn't my exactly my best work, but I wanted to write a simple sample before publishing this book so y'all can check out what my writing style is like when it comes to imagines.

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