SH - Magnus Bane

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Summary: Y/n and her brother, Magnus, have stood side by side throughout the centuries. Unlike in romance novels, these two immortal siblings have never been interested in the same person. However, that all changes when a dark haired Shadowhunter comes to their club in search of help.

Pairings: Magnus Bane x Sister!Reader, Alec Lightwood x Reader, and Alec Lightwood x Magnus

Trigger Warnings: Maybe some suggestive themes

Requested: No


Blue and red lights are flashing and you can feel the music pulsing through your body. Unlike your brother who prefers to have a drink and watch the people, you like to get out on the dance floor and interact with them.

As you were dancing, you spun around and gracefully wrapped your arms around a tall man's waist. You tried to get him to swing his hips and noticed he was unmoving, so you looked up at him to see what was wrong.

Your red lips turned up in a wry grin when you noticed the rune on his neck."Shadowhunter," you purred, "We don't get many of your type around here." You pulled away from him and your eyes raked over his body. "Not that I'm complaining."

The man swallowed hard. "Uh..." he cleared his throat and made extreme efforts to only look into your eyes. "I'm looking for the Banes."

You dramatically rolled your hands up in the air to strike a pose. "You've found one." You lowered your arms and slowly turned to look in your brother's direction only to find his eyes were already on you.

Your cat eyes glowed even brighter in the neon light as you spoke to Magnus through the mind. "Don't be shy, brother. He's looking for us both." Your lip twitched into a grin. "Although he'll only want me by the end of the night."

Magnus rolled his eyes at you and stood up. "A Shadowhunter and a warlock is practically forbidden among their people." He straightened his jacket before walking over. "You've no chance with this one, I'm sure."

You wiggled your brows. "Care to wager?"

Before he could answer, he was standing next to you with a flirtatious grin. "How can we help you?"

A red haired girl stepped around him and you gasped in realization. "Clarissa Fairchild all grown up." You placed a hand on your chest. "The last time we saw you, you were just a little thing."

Her brows furrowed. "You know who I am?"

Magnus nodded. "Your mother has asked us on occasion."

You smiled softly and took the girl's hand. "Terrible what happened to Jocelyn. Whatever you need, don't be afraid to ask."

Magnus looked around. "Let's speak somewhere a little more private."

As you and your brother lead the Shadowhunters to a separate room, you continued your mind conversation. "You never answered my question, Magnus."

He glanced at you, then back at the man. "He is attractive."

Your eyes widened when you noticed the devious look in his own. "Don't you dare! I saw him first."

"Care to wager?"

"You're on." Everyone filed into the room and you shut the door. "How can we be of service?"

The blond answered, "We need Clary's memories back so we can find the Mortal Cup."

You hissed and the dark-haired girl asked, "What?"

Magnus answered. "We were in a bind so we sold them to a memory demon." The hunters looked between the two of you with wide eyes. "Well, it was more of a loan than a final sale."

"We have to get them back!"

"Well, we'd have to conjure the demon. To do that, though, there's a price." You looked between the group. "Are you willing to pay it?"

Clary nodded. "Yes. Please, you have to help us find it."

Magnus smiled softly. "I'll help you prepare the spell."

Magnus lead Clary into another grande room and you turned to the three hunters remaining. "I'm sorry, I never caught your names."

The blond man spoke, "I'm Jace, this is Izzy, and that's Alec."

" that short for anything in particular?"


"Man's defender." You grabbed his hand and ran your middle finger along the lines. "It certainly does suit."

Jace tried not to laugh at how red Alec's face was getting. "You can tell by touching him?"

You looked up into Alec's hazel eyes and smirked. "You can get a better read on someone's energy through touch."

Magnus's voice invaded your mind. "Cheater."

You released his hand. "It shouldn't take long to get everything ready." You turned to look at the large oak door that separated you from your brother. "I prefer charmer."

After a few minutes, Magnus had called everyone in. "We need to form a circle and join hands." He grabbed Alec's. "Luckily for us, we can find strength in your energies."

Before you could jump on the opportunity, Jace grabbed onto Alec's hand. You shot a quick glare at your brother before joining hands with him and Clary. The circle was formed and you warned of what would happen when the demon would appear and what would happen if the circle were to be broken.

When an image of Jace appeared in the cloud, Alec panicked and broke the circle—allowing the demon to break free.

After what happened, you and your brother apologized for not being able to help more and the Shadowhunters left.

You and Magnus went back to your loft and you poured yourselves some whiskey. "You see that reaction?" You outstretched your hand to him.

Magnus sighed and leaned forward, taking the drink from your hand. "I'm afraid I did." He held the glass in his hands and stared into the light brown liquid. "It doesn't necessarily mean anything."

You shook your head. "Of course not." You sat down and crossed your legs. "Feelings come and go." You took a sip.

Magnus nodded in agreement. "Exactly."

You both sat there in silence for a moment before speaking in unison, you with dismay and Magnus with excitement. "He's totally gay."

You shot your brother a side glance. "I guess, in a way, you win." You looked into your glass. "Damn you."

He chuckled. "You'll find someone else in this century, I'm sure."

You pursed your lips. "Maybe he has a doppelgänger somewhere out there!"

Written: November 5, 2023
Edited: TBD

A/N: This probably isn't the best, but I've been seeing so many Alec and Malec edits on my FYP and had to write something like this.

Plus, this book probably needs some more parts to get attention cause I'm not promoting it like I do other things so yeah 💀

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