BTVS - Spike

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Summary: You and Spike are madly in love. Everyone knows this, especially his enemies. What happens when a group of demons abduct you to teach him a lesson?

Pairings: Spike x Reader (romantic) and Reader x Scoobies

Trigger Warnings: Abduction, violence, killing, and (I guess it would be considered...?) sexual harassment

Requested: No


None of your friends approved of the relationship you had with Spike. They'd constantly remind you of the horrible things he'd done and borderline shame you for being with him. Everyone, especially Giles and Xander, would often point out that dating Spike would be nothing but trouble.

Despite their disapproval, you continued to be with him. He made you feel happy and loved in a way that you'd never experienced before. You being a human and him being a vampire did have some cons, but overall, every moment you spent together were some of the best parts of your life.

Maybe it was so blissful because Spike couldn't help but spoil you. He wanted to give you the world, but he had his limits, so he settled for something a little smaller like your endless clothes and jewelry collection. Of course, it wasn't always about tangible items. He'd also go to extreme efforts to make every date night magical even if you wanted to just stay in and watch a movie.

On one particular night, you had dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in Sunnydale followed by a romantic stroll through the town.

You walked alongside him while holding onto one of his arms and leaning into his body. You walked in a comfortable silence, occasionally commenting on the beautiful chill night or listening to Spike hum a tune that had somehow gotten stuck in his head.

Your brows knitted together when Spike suddenly stopped in his tracks. Before you could ask him what was wrong, he looked at you with a sly smirk and maneuvered his arm away from yours so he could wrap them around you. With you secure in his loving embrace, he dipped you down and started peppering kisses down your neck.

Goosebumps scattered across your entire body as his soft lips tickled your skin. "Spike." You giggled at the sudden extra affection he was showing you.

Through kisses, he said. "You're too delicious, pet." He stopped, pulling you up straight and holding you so close that your noses nearly touched. "By the end of the night I'm gonna owe you a pretty new dress."

You looked up at him with an adoring grin. "You spoil me."

"You deserve more than what I can give you." He placed a hand on your cheek. "Some day, you'll be living in a palace."

"The crypt isn't that bad you know. Kind of cozy actually."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed in a joking manner. "Cozy enough for vermin like myself, but not for you." He smiled. "You deserve far more than that."

Your eyes narrowed with a funny suspicion. "Is that why you're always at my apartment?"

"Well, that and protection." He released you so he could grab your hand and continue the walk. "You should consider getting a dog. Something like Cujo."

"It's Sunnydale, if something were to break into my place it would kill Cujo before he started barking."

"That makes me feel so much better."

You looked down at your heels and noticed you were walking in sync. "Well, what do I need a dog for when I've got a demon-killing vampire at my side." You pointed. "Plus the slayer and a witch are my best friends." You paused and added. "Plus, I'm pretty good with a stake. I've killed way more vampires than Xander."

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