BTVS - Angel

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Summary: You and Angel got into a fight, resulting in you storming out of the penthouse and into the night. You don't go home, but instead you wake up in an empty motel room without much memory of what happened after you left.

Pairings: Angel x Reader

Trigger Warnings: TBD/None

Requested: No

Special Notes: Same as the previous part

Part 2


Angel slammed the door shut behind him and stayed there for a moment, just listening to you call out to him. He was disgusted by the thing inside you, but it hurt him to listen to your cries. Deep down, he knew you weren't you, but it didn't stop the demon from mimicking you perfectly.

He couldn't bear being near you, not while you were still the shell of who you once were. Not knowing what else to do, he went to see Wesley. Wolfram & Hart must've had something to explain why you were so different than other vampires.

"How is she?" Wesley asked upon seeing a flustered Angel walk through the doors.

Angel ignored the question, not wanting to fully admit that you're no longer you. "Find anything?"

Wesley frowned. "Angel, you've barely acknowledged the fact that Y/n is..."

"Don't say it." He shot the Brit a dangerous look. "Did you find something?"

He grabbed the book from his desk and flipped it around so Angel could see the illustration. "It appears that Y/n is a lesser known breed of vampire." Angel took the book and skimmed over what Wesley had begun to explain. "According to legend, these vampires are made into a should I say this?" He paused. "Well, everything about them is stronger."

"Meaning?" He didn't take his eyes off the book.

"Meaning...Y/n is still Y/n. Her feelings are just stronger, as well as her body. More importantly, she still has a soul."

He blinked. "That's...that can't be true. Vampires are evil."

"Y/n is kind and loving. If she completes the transition, that will only be amplified."


Wesley nodded, "She has a choice in this. She can either let herself die or she can drink human blood." He sighed and leaned against his desk. "She'll have to decide soon. They deteriorate at a fast rate."

Without another word, Angel snapped the book shut and made his way back to your cell. Once again he stood outside the door, afraid to go in. He listened to your silent sobs and felt guilty.

In all his years on earth he'd never met a vampire like you. He figured you'd be like him or Darla—maybe someone worse. Never once did he consider that you could conquer the demon and be someone good. Part of him felt guilty for ever doubting you.

If he had breath in his lungs, he would've had to take a moment to take deep breaths. Instead, he mentally shook himself and crept back into the room.

He swallowed hard. "Y/n?" He could see your shoulders moving with every sob.

"Go away," your voice was muffled and broken.

"I have some news..." he paused, not fully knowing how to continue. "You have a choice."

"What are you talking about?"

"I had Wesley do some research. The book says you have a choice. You can drink human blood and become a vampire...or let yourself die." His voice cracked. "It's up to you."

"I don't understand." you sniffled and sat up. "Shouldn't I be one already?"

"You're not like me." He walked over to your cage. "The breed you'd would make you stronger. It would make you a little"

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that you'd be more kind, more loving...every trait that you have will become stronger."

You wiped your nose and cringed at the clanking of chains. "I don't even know how this happened. I still don't remember anything."

"We can figure it out together, but only if you choose to live...figuratively speaking." He sighed and averted your gaze. "Look, you have to choose soon. Wes said you'll die in a few hours."

There was a deafening silence that feel between you. Even with your heightened hearing, you could hear nothing except for your thoughts.

If you became a vampire, what would happen? Would you really become more of yourself or would you be a soulless monster like Angelus? What if the book was wrong about everything and you killed everyone that you loved?

You never wanted to be a vampire out of fear that you'd do too much damage before someone would inevitably put your soul back into your body. In this case, there's still some hope, but you're mostly filled with doubt.

You tried to sound strong, but your voice wavered upon looking into Angel's big brown eyes. "Let me die."

Angel's brows furrowed, clearly horrified that those words came from your mouth. "What?"

You swallowed hard. "I'm not strong enough to be a vampire." You shrugged. "So what if I'm made more of myself? That still won't prevent me from going out and sinking my teeth into someone. The way I felt when Harmony brought in your blood..." you shook your head. "Thinking about it scares me."

"Y/n, I can help you control the urges. I'd never let you hurt anyone." He looked you up and down. "Not even yourself."

"I'm sorry. I really am." He reluctantly opened the cage door and stepped inside. "What are you doing?" You questioned as he unlocked the chains keeping you bound to the building.

"If you're adamant about dying, I'm not gonna let you spend your last few hours in a dark, filthy room." He grabbed your hands and pulled you to your feet. "Last day on earth, what do you want to do?"

You smiled softly. "If everyone's free, can we just—I don't know...have some lunch and just hang out?"

He nodded. "Yeah."


Everyone gathered at Angel's penthouse to give you one last gift. Although they were already filled with grief, they put on brave smiles and pretended that it was any other day.

Wesley and Fred discussed extensive lore with you.

Gunn finally beat you at a video game.

Lorne sang to you.

Angel held you in his arms and read to you as you slipped away.

You died at 4:00 p.m. on October 5, 2004.

Your friends were devastated, but in this one ever really stays dead, right?

Written: December 19, 2023
Edited: TBD

A/N: This took way too long to write and publish, but it's whatever lol.

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