Bizarro Dreams EP 1

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Date of event: June 2, Saturday -  week 1 (year 1)

Original: EP1 - A New Era of Heroic Legends


(Bizarro Dreams episode 1)

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(Bizarro Dreams episode 1)

Pope – Everything you see happens in a Bizarro Dream.

Seiya – Don't be so dramatic, Pope. This is just a simulation.

[back and forth stare between Seiya and the Pope]

Pope – Young lad, you and I will NOT get along.

[Cassios knocks Seiya and grabs him with one hand]

Cassios – Seiya, I'll never let you have the cloth! It belongs to a pure Greek blood like me!

Marin – Cassios, you dirty cheat!

Shaina – It's Seiya's fault for letting his guard down. Finish him, Cassios!

Cassios – Nah! I ain't gonna squeeze him. I'm gonna chop his ear off!

[Cassios' ear gets chopped off instead]

Cassios – Argh! My ear! You bastard...!

Seiya – All those years of training gave you more muscles and no cosmo. You're not going to succeed!

Cassios – Look, Seiya! I've been a big bully, and I swear I'll be nice now. You forgive me?

Seiya – No! (Seiya uses his Meteor Punch and wins)


Pope – Athena has acknowledged Seiya as a saint. I shall present you the Pegasus cloth.

Seiya (jumps all over the box) Yes! I got the cloth!

Seiya (jumps all over the box) Yes! I got the cloth!

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Pope – Seiya! That cloth is to protect me... I mean, Athena. You shall not use it to participate in a tournament hosted in the Far East. If you do, saints from all over the world will come after you.

Seiya – That's kind of specific and suspicious.

Pope – Will you stay and become the very best that ever was?

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