Bizarro Dreams EP 16

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Date of event: August 5, Sunday - week 2 (year 1)

Original: EP16 - Docrates invades the mansion!


(Bizarro Dreams episode 16)

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(Bizarro Dreams episode 16)

[Kido mansion at night]

Tatsumi – I can't believe how worthless you are! You left here with four, and you came back with one?! Do you have anything to say about this? Take some responsibility, you punks!

Saori – Tatsumi!

Tatsumi (bows) Yes, my lady. (leaves)

Saori – I understand how demoralized you are. Please rest for tonight.

Seiya – Dammit! We're supposed to have all the pieces by now.

Saori – This is a dream simulation, so this is bound to happen.

Seiya – Let me guess: Sanctuary is behind this.

Saori – Of course! We'd need to wait for their next move.

[suddenly, they hear Tatsumi scream]

Shiryu – Kiki's doing his pranks again!

[Seiya, Shiryu, and Hyoga dash to see Kiki trolling with Tatsumi by using his telekinesis skills]

Tatsumi – Hey, put me down!

Shiryu – Okay, enough with the trolling.

[Seiya and Hyoga laughs]

Seiya – Aw, come on! That's entertaining!

Kiki – I can do a lot more!

Shiryu – No, you will not!

Kiki (huffs) Fine! You're no fun!

[Kiki ceases his powers, and Tatsumi falls to the floor]

Tatsumi (deadpan) Ouch!

[Minutes later, they gather at the entrance]

Seiya – Kiki, don't go wetting Shiryu's bed.

Kiki (blush) No way! I don't do that!

[everyone laughs]

Seiya (leaves) Alright, everybody! Goodnight!

[everyone says goodnight too]

[extended montage start]

Seiya (lying on his bed) What a day.

[Seiya lies on his bed surrounded by walls of magazine pullouts. His yacht house bedroom is loosely based on his dorm room in the real world, which itself is based on the yacht house]

Shun (thinking) Brother, I'll retrieve the cloth without fail.

[Shun reads some fashion magazines on his bed]

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