Chapter 6

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The door shuts once again. Jordan says "what does she mean by my team, does this lady have a secret supe team". Emma with a smile says "well at least we know that we are safe with her", Andre then chimes in "maybe but she also mentioned something about training with a know supe". Everyone looks at each with a confused look until Marie speaks up "okay let's get this straight, one we are here so we can heal properly,two this lady has a special team, three this team has a popular supe we all know". Andre says "could it be starlight..we know she left vought or " .Emma chimes in with "imagine queen mave isn't really dead and it's her". Jordan laughs "maybe but I agree with Andre that it could be starlight, but side note does anyone else hate when the use the sonic alarm".

The lights turn off "well I think that's our indication that's it's time to sleep" Andre says as he lays down on the bed. "Yeah it's been a long couple of days, so I'm heading to bed" Emma says. Andre says "me too". Jordan looks at Marie then says " who do you think it is and do you want to sleep or ..." Marie with a semi mad look on her face says " I think it's starlight and yes but we need to be quiet" Jordan with a confused look "what do you mean that we ne-" Marie grabs Jordan and start to kiss them. Jordan kiss back then processed to get on top of Marie. Jordan pulls away to see if Emma and Andre are asleep, Jordan then mumbles to Marie "are you sure you want to" Marie replies with " yes Jordan I want to" Jordan then start to give Marie small kiss on her neck making their way down.

~security room above the white room~

"I am so bored of this" says Hugie. Frenchie chimes in with "I am too but we need to ..." Frenchie turns to see the security camera feed "WHAT THE FUCK". Hugie runs to the to Frenchie side "OH COME ON THEY REALLY ARE", MM and Starlight hearing the noise walk in and Starlight ask "whats happening do we need to go down". Frenchie laughs "no blood girl and the one who is able to switch their gender are fucking" MM then says "they are horny college students did you expect them not to fuck each other". "Wait shut up a bit" Frenchie says and turns up the volume from the cameras "oh dude come on don't be gross" hugie nudges Frenchie shoulder. Faint moans are heard and they hear Marie say "oh fuck Jordan, I'm going too.." Starlight then mutes the camera feed then says "okay that's enough" Hugie replies with "starlight are you okay" as they point to her bleeding nose. "Are you okay" starlight points to his also bloody nose. MM and Frenchie nose also begin to bleed. Frenchie panics "OH SHIT OUR HEADS". They rush to the window to see if Numen is standing outside but they don't see anything. "What the fuck just happened" hugie says. "the only other person who can control blood is the girl but I taught the room limit their powers" Frenchie says. They all grab tissues to clean themselves up, starlight then says "okay so at least we know that her powers work but that still doesn't explain why she was able to use them in a way". MM says "we should tell Butch when he gets back"
They all nod. "At least they are now all asleep" hugie says after checking the cameras.

~couple hours~
"WAKE UP CUNTS" butcher says as he burst through the door. "What happened" hugie ask still half asleep. "Well turns out that Shetty was creating some thing because I found the woods but I couldn't find anything related to virus,maybe those college kids know something" Frenchie,MM, hugie, starlight all look at each other trying to see who is going to tell butcher about Marie. "What happened did the blood girl not wake up" Butcher says in grumpy voice. "No she woke up but her powers are too powerful, so her and her boyfriend/girlfriend were getting too touchy and when she finished, we all started to get heavy nose bleeds" starlight says. Butcher laughs and says "so they climax so hard that they gave people around them nose bleeds thats fucking great" butcher can't stop laughing. "Okay yeah it's funny but whats the plan butch" hugie says while looking at butcher. "I say we talk to them separately but we do it in the middle of the night so we catch them off guard" they all agree to the plan. Kimiko begins to sign towards Frenchie. "Kimiko is asking if we can talk to the gender switching supe first" Butcher nods.

*Door open*
Butcher and Hugie walk in. Jordan wakes up to see Butch standing at the door. "I'm so sorry" Hugie says as they place a mask on Jordan but before they go unconscious they are able to see Hugie face. As Butcher and Hugie pick up Jordan, Emma wakes up to see whats happening and Butcher seeing Emma wake up looks at her then says "if you keep quiet we will get you anything you want". Butcher and Hugie walk out and MM closes the door.

*In the living room*
"HEY WAKE UP, WAKE UP" Butch yells at Jordan. Jordan wakes up and immediately switchs and gets up with their fist in the air "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US" Jordan says in a panicked voice. Butcher walks up trying to grab Jordan hands, but Jordan punches him "oh you little shit" butcher says while holding is face. "ANSWER ME ASSHOLES" Jordan says as they run towards the other side of the room. "Listen you are safe my name is Hugie, the guy you punched is Butcher, the girl sitting on the couch is called Kimiko and the guy sitting next to her is called Frenchie the guy near the window is mother milk or MM for short an-" starlight interrupts him "and you might recognize me, we aren't going to hurt you okay I promise". Jordan seeing starlight relaxs "you still didn't answer my second question" Jordan says to starlight. " We just want to ask a couple question about Godlkin and more important the place called the woods" starlight says to Jordan in calm voice. Jordan explains what they know about the woods, Kimiko turns to Frenchie then Frenchie says "kimiko has a couple questions for you" Frenchie says while looking at Jordan. Jordan agrees to answer kimiko questions. It's now sunrise and butcher says "we need to bring him/her back down, before the others notice he/she is gone". Jordan looks at Butcher while saying "first of all it's they/them asshole, and second do you guys know how long me and my friends are going to be in the room". Butcher Pulling out the sonic alarm says " no, we still need to figure shit out also thanks for the correction Jordan" then Jordan says "NO ANYTHING BUT THAT NO" Starlight then stops Butcher "no seriously Jordan has ever right to hate that alarm, for us it feels like a thousands bees are stinging us in the ears" Butcher puts it away "fine but you and Hugie are going to talk them downstairs".

*On the way to the room*

Starlight and Hugie looking at each other debat on asking Jordan about Marie. Starlight whispers "you ask" Hugie rolls his eyes and grabs Jordan shoulder "oh hey Jordan wha-" Jordan quickly chokes Hugie and pins him up to the wall "what's the deal with Marie, and her powers" Jordan let's him go "first of all don't touch me, you will need to ask Marie about that" Hugie cathing his breathe "okay understood, also you might want to switch back so your friends don't get suspicious" Jordan replies with "why would they get suspicious about me" starlight says "because you left at the middle of the night and you talked to people they don't know". Jordan thinks about it and switchs back "you are right starlight" as they walk into the room they flip off Hugie "I saw that you were the one to put the mask on me asshole". Jordan walks into the room. As the door closes Hugie says "what is with supes hating me but loving you" starlight laughs "I mean you just have a very punchable face soo that explains it and im me" Hugie laughs "sure, but what do you mean I have a punchable face" starlight just giggles. "No seriously" Hugie says.

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