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It was dinner time and Winter made dinner as usual. The H/c hair girl sat at the end of the table, the dwarfs observed her movements. Y/n who was an understanding girl didn't mind as she knows that the dwarfs don't completely trust her.

The awkward moment finally got broken, when Winter came into the dining room with a pot of soup held in his hands. He carefully placed it on the middle of the table next to the bread before sitting down at the other end of the table.

"Well, dig in everyone! And I hope you like it, Y/n." Winter said.

Y/n smiled at Winter while the dwarfs began to scoop up some soup into their bowl. And so did Y/n.

She scooped up the soup in her spoon and tasted the soup. Her eyes widened a bit and sparkles could be seen in it.

"This is delicious! Winter, you didn't tell me you could cook this well." Although, Y/n already knew that Winter can cook very well because of the scene where Snow White cooked the same soup in the movie. But, to keep them from being suspicious of her, she needs to lie. Sadly, she hates lying.

Winter chuckles at the sight of the Girl liking his cooking.

"Thank you, Y/n." Winter thanked her.

Throughout dinner, Winter would always glance at Y/n. And of course she was oblivious about it, on the other hand, the dwarfs didn't fail to notice the glancing of Winter and his smile whenever he looked from his bowl to her.

Once dinner is done, Y/n offers Winter to clean the dishes. He politely declined the offer. Though, Y/n, the stubborn girl she is, refuses to not help.

And now both of them are cleaning the dishes.

The dwarfs were in the basement, leaving the two teens in the kitchen. It was quiet. The only sounds that can be heard are the water, the sound of the cricket and the clinging of the plates and utensils that they are washing.

"So, Y/n. Do you have somewhere to live?" Winter asked which made Y/n paused for a moment. She didn't have a place to stay at all.

"No, I… I don't really have one." Y/n confesses.

Winter felt pity on her. Suddenly, a bright idea came up in his mind.

"If you want, you can stay here." Winter offered the Girl.

Y/n turned her attention towards him. She was quite shocked that he would offer her that. Although, she thought that it wouldn't be that bad to be living in one of her favorite Disney Movies, right?

She smiled brightly at Winter. Y/n is excited for what the future has in store for her. I mean who wouldn't? She was in her childhood dreams.

Winter on the other hand got butterflies in his stomach when Y/n smiled so sweetly at him.

"Sure, and thank you for the offer, Winter." Y/n accepted happily.

The sight of her smiling, especially when it was Winter that made her smile. He couldn't help but feel something in him that confused him.

Some time later, they were done washing the dishes. Now, Y/n is currently wiping her hands with a cloth.

The girl was oblivious about the stare of Winter. It was most likely a stare of love and confusion. The boy is confused about how he has fallen for her in a day?

His thoughts got cut off by Y/n.

"So, where do I sleep?" She asked.

The question made Winter tense up. The room where he usually sleeps in was the dwarfs room, and the beds were only moved together to make it bigger and can fit one or two people. Depending on the person.

He felt his cheeks warm up after a thought of sleeping beside her.

"Uhm, Winter?" Y/n interrupted his thoughts. Winter looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"You zoned out. Are you okay?" Y/n asked, her voice full of concern and genuine.

"Yes, yes I'm alright." Winter reassures. "Come I'll show you where you'll sleep." And with that, Winter led the way while the H/c haired girl followed behind.


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❥ • 𝟒𝟒%
❥ • When he got to know you, he just somehow felt butterflies in his stomach. And his heart pounds faster whenever you two are close to each other.

A/n : This is short, but I'll make it up in Chapter 5!

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A/n : This is short, but I'll make it up in Chapter 5!

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