Mine All Mine 💘🤞

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Anonymous ~

She didn't know I was watching her. That I had been watching her since she stepped in. I didn't know what she was doing back here but I did know she wouldn't be here if she had another place to stay. Oh Trisha, what a massive mistake you're making. I wondered if she could feel my presence lurking in the darkness. I wondered who the girl with her was as well but she wasn't nearly as pretty as my Trish. I swiped right on my phone and took a picture of them back at the house. Perfect, now I can use that as leverage in case she really has run away or something. How irresponsible of her. Now she has to do what I say when I say it. She can't get away from me this time.

Lacey s version ~

We slept on the couch for just over three hours with the old sleeping pills she found in her bathroom. I was surprised they worked despite our nerves but now that we were well rested we could leave here. This place was giving me the creeps anyway. It really felt like someone was watching us but I'm probably just being paranoid. Like no one has lived here for two years, we're good. But then again, neighbours? I glanced out the window. Just darkness and street lights. "It's one train from here to get to the garage", I said, dangling the keys in front of her. "Okay I'm ready, you got 20 on you?" I wanted to ask her to chip in as well but she couldn't use her credit card in case they saw where she used it last so I had to pay for her. Ugh. But at least we were getting somewhere with this crazy plan. At least I was safe from social services' rash decision to send me back. Seriously it's making me pissed just thinking about it. "Hey I just realised it's almost 8 am and staff haven't called yet, that's positive", "yeah they might not notice until tonight if we're lucky", I said. In case they knocked and also saw on the camera that we didn't leave in the morning. Then we're f***ed. When we got to Tottenham Hale station I tried to get away with paying child fare since I looked about 14 anyways. "Hey, girl, stop!", called a shrill voice from behind me. We froze. No. We're not getting caught over this. She looked at my ticket, then at me. "Ma'am how old are you?". Trisha looked at me, annoyed and I knew what she was thinking. "Um, I'm 15", I said meekly. She eyed me curiously and asked me to go ahead. Thankfully she didn't ask for ID or report me. It would have been over for us then. I grabbed Trisha's hand and we ran. Just because we could. We could do anything we wanted. No one would ever stop us. Certainly not my grubby good for nothing social worker. And there was power in that. I felt good. In the train we just chilled and talked about year 11 and crazy stories about our classmates, teachers, mocks. In an hour we reached the garage in East ham and then it hit me. Hard. I had my friend's car key but not her garage key. "Lace! Seriously??" "I know, I messed up, okay!" Guess there was only one option left. I could knock on her door. She's 19 and hopefully her sister had moved out by now. The less people that know about this, the better. "Are you sure we can trust her?", Trisha asked, as if we had another option. I walked out the front and knocked gently three times. That's code for its me. No reply. Should I call her? Is that risky? My phone pinged. Riley. Thank God. Is that you? Yes, I typed back, my hands freezing. A moment later, the door opened and Riley ushered us in and asked what the hell was going on. She was irritated, I could tell. I don't know if I should tell her the full story but...Trish cut in before me. "So um we've run away, long story, can you help us?", she had adopted this authoritarian tone and Riley wasn't having it. "Wait so you wanna stay here?", she asked, confused. She rolled her eyes. "You know what? I'm drunk and hungover and if you wanna stay, be gone by tonight." Trish and I exchanged glances. That might be a more stable idea. And Riley couldn't get in trouble for it since we're staying at a safe place. This is actually working out! East Ham was also really far from Sandhurst so we'd by us some time. This is so pointless, the running away, the hiding. But I couldn't trust anything anymore. Definitely not the people at cherry hill.

Trisha s version ~

I sauntered into Riley's second bedroom, Lace by my side. We were contemplating silently I guess. Over the past 6 weeks I'd gotten to know Lace pretty well to the point where even best friends seemed like a under term for what we meant to eachother. I don't know if she felt the same though. We were squeezed into one single bed because Riley's spare room was more of the size of a laundry room than a bedroom. Still, I was glad I was warm and safe. At least for the time being. Truth be told, I wanted to leave. As in, go my own separate way. I was starting to feel trapped in someone else's life. Like, this is all for Lace. Yeah I wanted this initially too, but now? Damn I was flaking on Lace. Worse. I wanted to just slip out when I had a moment alone and run. I was never good with commitment. I could feel her breathing slow and the room fill with her sweet vanilla fragrance. Her messy auburn hair brushing against my back as she tossed and turned sleepily. And I just knew in that moment, I wanted to be with her. I just didn't want to sacrifice everything for it though. I didn't want it to be this hard, this painful. I waited until she was asleep completely and slipped out into the garden and cried. I cried for my lost childhood, my lost innocence, the pain of loving everyone I've loved. I cried for Ginny and missing her. I cried for my family I'd never see again although it was for the best in some ways. And then I cried for Lace and her cute bubbliness that kept me going. Love made people vulnerable, I knew that. But this was something else. I was going to go back in when my phone pinged. Missed call, from No caller ID. I felt a weird tingling sensation down my spine but decided it was probably just a spam call. At 9 am though? It's kinda early for that. Well it's not police. And my phone started ringing again. "Hello?", I picked up. The person at the other end was eerily quiet. "Trisha, long time, huh?". Something caught in my chest. Instinctively I hung up. No. No no no nononono. This isn't happening. Not him. Not after this long. This is the reason I went into care. The reason my family was shattered. He ruined everything. And I could never speak of it.

Anonymous ~

She thinks she knows everything there is to know about life, she's only 17. She could let me help her, guide her, but she chose to make it harder for herself. Her biggest mistake being coming back to our old house. She awakened a lot of memories doing that. For her and for me. I could call the police if I wanted to, anonymously tip that she's a missing person. But I wanted to have fun my way. Slowly torturing her until she gave up and came back to me.

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