Prices to Pay, Hearts to Break 💔

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Lacey s version ~

When I woke up, I immediately panicked, because Trisha wasn't there next to me. I gave my eyes a few moments to adjust to the light. No she's not here. I ran over to the bathroom. Vacant, unused. I checked my phone for any missed calls. Riley messaged. I think your friend left to get something. What?? How could this be?? She wouldn't leave without telling me! I trusted her. With everything. Did she really betray me? And everything we had? I felt my chest constrict. Still no messages from home. So wherever Trish is she hasn't given me away. I was mad at her but more than that, worried. Something could have happened. I called her, anxiously biting my cheek. One ring. Two, three, four. The person you are trying to reach is currently unav- I cut the call. I tried to register the harsh reality of it all. Okay, she left. What's my next move? Should I go back? Call it quits? I looked at pictures we clicked together from the last six weeks. So many memories, high times, deep conversations. She was my ride or die. Or not, turns out. I stayed at Riley's and just hung out with her. I figured going home was the best option since they don't even know I'm missing. Like they probably think I've just gone out and will be back by curfew. So I'll be back by 10pm then, no biggie. Swallowing my pride, I said bye to Riley at 7 and started making my way back to South east, miserable and cold. Disappointment washed over me. The pain was tormenting. The deception. Once I reached my last train transfer, I checked my phone just in case. A number I didn't recognise texted me a while ago. Go home if you want, I've got stuff of my own going on. I'm sorry. T. I almost laughed out loud. This wasn't funny, I was still mad at her but grateful she was okay. She wouldn't be able to text if someone kidnapped her right? So she's good. She'll probably be back home soon as well. Then I'd give her the silent treatment. But for now, I was happy. I tried to call her but her phone was off weirdly.

Trisha's version ~

I knew I had to sort this out first or he'd never leave me alone. Going back to my place was a mistake. He saw me. I know that because of the call, the picture he sent. I also knew that it would take him almost nothing to find out about cherry hill. He could hurt other young people there. Threaten them. And Lace? I would never ever let her get hurt because of my past. I reminded myself I was doing this for her own safety as well as my sanity and peace of mind. It was 3 in the afternoon now. Not a great time to be making myself known but desperate times. I knocked at the door, my fingers weak and my head buzzing. The place was supposed to be vacant, the way we left it but my gut instinct told me he was there. How could he not have been. I was about to raise my fists at the door again when he opened. My heart was in my mouth. His voice, deep and just how I remembered it. I stepped back, momentarily losing my balance and firmly gripped my wrist, catching me. "Hey", he said again, a smile caught on his lips. I composed myself. "What. What. Do you..want? From me.", I stuttered helplessly. "Just to talk", he replied simply. But it was never just talking with him. I knew that when I was 14. I tried to reassure myself that he has no power over me now as a nearly- adult but it sounded silly even to my own mind. I stepped in and sat on the couch. "Still avoiding your old room? *Our* old room, I mean.", he chuckled. No. Not that room. I hadn't been there in 3 years. I ignored him. "So, talk", I gestured with my hand. "Aw you don't want a hot chocolate?", he asked nastily. The surge of memories was too much. I wanted to run out but my legs were stagnant, making me a prisoner in my own house. "You did this. Not me. You turned my family against me. Messed with me. Humiliated me. So there, conversation over. Now leave me alone". I was angry and made no attempt to hide it. "How about a compromise? Go back home but keep seeing me and we don't have to tell your family that you were here again. And, that I saw you". He smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my cheek. I couldn't break my family again. They already hated me. Things were just starting to go back to normal. Like my dad called the other day checking up on me but my mum only occasionally texted. They still hadn't gotten over the incident. I steadiest myself. "Okay. ", I said. Okay. Doable. All I had to do was say yes. But the picture..."I'm leaving now", I said, starting to walk out the door. "I'll see you soon babe". I cringed. I hate him. I texted Lace and then turned my phone off. I remembered something my grandma had said when I was in year 7. "No point digging through the past, all you get is dirty". That statement has never felt more true. I bit my lip and cried heavily, releasing all my emotions from the last three years. Everything I had suppressed. I wasn't the strong girl everyone thought I was. I was conning everyone into thinking I was so put together and all. I didn't deserve a friend like Lace who was so genuine and honest about everything. If she could share her past, why couldn't I? When it started to get dark by half 7 I caught the train back to Tottenham and then another one back to Sandhurst. I didn't want to face Lace and answer her questions. Some things couldn't be talked about. It was absolutely pouring by the time I reached town. A 22 minutes walk now. 22 minutes between me and explanations and lies and apologies. And secrets.

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